Authors Title Series Date of publication
S. Sinelnikov-Murylev, P. Kadochnikov, I. Trunin, S. Chetverikov From Elections to Appointments of the Regional Governors: Major Challenges and Outcomes CEPRA 05.02.2008
S. Prihodko, N. Volovik, A. Hecht, B. Sharpe, M. Mandres Special Economic Zones CEPRA 10.11.2007
О. Lugovoy, V. Dashkeyev, I. Mazayev, D. Fomchenko, Е. Polyakov, A. Hecht Analysis of Economic Growth in Regions: Geographical and Institutional Aspect CEPRA 31.10.2007
S. Sinelnikov-Murylev, P. Kadochnikov, I. Trounin, S. Chetverikov, M. Vigneault Fiscal Federalism in Russia: Soft Budget Constraints of Regional Governments CEPRA 06.02.2006
A. Vishnevsky, Zh. Zayonchkovskaya, N. Mkrtchyan, A. Treyvish, V. Tishkov Prospects for Migration and Russia’s Ethnic Development and Their Account in the Development of Strategic Guidelines of the Country’s Development in the Long Run CEPRA 17.05.2004
E. Strukova (team leader), A. Golub, V. Danilov-Danilian, S. Kuraev New environmental policy and realisation of Kyoto protocol in Russia CEPRA 02.04.2004
P. Kadotchnikov, S. Sinelnikov-Murylyov, I. Trunin, S. Tchetverikov Redistribution and Stabilization of Regional Revenues in the Russian System of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations CEPRA 26.12.2003
I. Starodubrovskaya, S. Javoronkov, K. Milenteva, M. Slavgorodskaya, A. Yudin, E. Korovin, A. Sancton, H. Kitchen, I. Gauthier, F. Vaillancourt, M. McMillan, Dr. Douglas Brown Analysis of Revenues and Expenses of Local Budgets CEPRA 26.12.2003
S. Batkibekov, L. Grebeshkova, I. Dezhina, A. Zolotareva, E. Kitova, E. Kostina, T. Kuznetsova, I. Rozhdestvenskaya, S. Sinelnikov-Murylev, S. Shishkin, А. Kokorev, M. Kuzyk, G. Malginov, А. Radygin, Yu. Simachev, А. Tatarinov Increasing the Efficiency of Budget Expenditure on Funding Public Institutions and Management Of Public Unitary Enterprises CEPRA 26.09.2003
V. Zhdanov, O. Kuznetsova, V. Mau, V. Plyukhin, S. Prikhodko, M. Wojciechowski, A. Hecht Problems Related to Development of the Kaliningrad Region As an Exclave Territory of the Russian Federation CEPRA 29.12.2002
V. Mau, S. Javoronkov, O. Fomitchev, K. Yanovskiy, Paul Hobson, Lew Lederman Investment Risks in Russia's Regions: Political and Legal Origins CEPRA 29.11.2002
S. Drobyshevski, S. Dneprovskaya, O. Izryadnova, D. Levchenko, L. Lederman, G. Malginov, M. Turuntseva, P. Hobson Investments: the Regional Aspects CEPRA 29.11.2002
I. Gorshounov, P. Kadochnikov, I. Trunin, K. Newbold, A. Yudin The Place of the Regions in the Budgetary System of the Russian Federation (the "Balance of Accounts" and the Grounds for Financial Support) and Assessment of the Consequences of Mass Migration CEPRA 29.10.2002
A. Radygin, R. Entov, M. Turuntseva, A. Gontmakher The Problems of Corporate Governance in Russia and its Regions CEPRA 28.10.2002
V. Soptsov, O. Shakhnazarov, N. Pakhtschanyan Development of targeted social assistance programs in Altai Republic CEPRA 28.09.2002
S. Horoshuhin, S. Javoronkov, M. Lazarowich, V. Mau, J. Wojciechowski, I. Starodubrovskaya Creating Favorable Environment for Investors: An Integrated Approach. The Novgorod Oblast Experience CEPRA 27.09.2002
S. Zhavoronkov, O. Izryadnova, V. Mau, I. Starodubrovskaya Regional Aspects of the Russian Economy Development Surveyed by an Example of Development of a Social and Economic Development Concept for the Republic of Altai CEPRA 27.09.2002
S. Zhavoronkov, V. Mau, K. Yanovskii, G. Malginov, A. Radygin, A. Yudin, T. Goodfellow, H. Swain, S. Sinelnikov-Murylev, P. Kadochnikov, I. Trunin, S. Chetverikov, R. Entov, A. Zolotareva, O. Lugovoi, K. Battle, Sh.i Torjman Regional Economy (compilation of articles) CEPRA 29.04.2002
S. Sinelnikov, P. Kadotchnikov, I. Trunin Federal Fiscal Transfers to Regions and Fiscal Behaviour of Regional Governments CEPRA 20.04.2002
I. Trounin, A. Zolotareva, S. Sinelnikov, S. Dneprovskaya, S. Chetverikov, Ronald Watts, Paul Hobson, Marianne Vigneault, Robin Boadway Fiscal Federalism in Russia: Problems, Theory, Experiences CEPRA 19.09.2001
I. Kolosnitsyn, Е. Kitova, А. Surinov, Т. Chijelikova, S. Shashnov, Ken Battle, Sherri Torjman Living Standards and Income Inequality in Selected Regions: Development of Targeted Social Assistance Programs CEPRA 04.06.2001
K. Janovsky, S. Zhavoronkov, O. Kochetkova, A. Mazhuga, D. Cherny, P. Dejardin, P. Hobson, D. Savoy Politico-Economic Problems of the Russian Regions CEPRA 04.06.2001
A. Zolotoreva, L. Lederman, O. Lugovoi, R. Entov Non-payments in the Russian Economy and in Regions CEPRA 03.06.2001
A. Radygin, R. Entov, A. Yudin, G. Malginov, Yu. Gritsun, V. Bondarev, O. Peredeina, Harry Swain, Troy Goodfellow Transformation of ownership relationship and comparative analysis of the Russian regions CEPRA 02.06.2001
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