Creating Favorable Environment for Investors: An Integrated Approach. The Novgorod Oblast Experience

Publication date
Friday, 27.09.2002

S. Horoshuhin, S. Javoronkov, M. Lazarowich, V. Mau, J. Wojciechowski, I. Starodubrovskaya


The implementation of measures aimed to increase the investment attractive-ness of a region is a topic, which has interested economists for a long time. At the same time, there exist problems associated with the limitations set by the national legislation and the existence of the general problems of infrastructure, business culture, political and social stability and related limitations.


Part 1. Creating Favorable Environment for Investors: An Integrated Approach the Novgorod Oblast Experience Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Investing in Russia: Problems and Prospects 9
Chapter 2. Investment Attractiveness of the Novgorod Oblast 21
Chapter 3. Creating Favorable Environment for Investors: Methodological Aspects Employed in the Novgorod Oblast .37
Chapter 4. Investment in the Real Sector of the Novgorod Oblast 42
Chapter 5. Developing an Investment - Encouraging Environment: Recommendations 48
Annex 1. Developing the Legislative Base in the Novgorod Oblast: Recommendations 54
Chapter 6. Political Development of the Novgorod Oblast: Minimizing the Risks 63
Chapter 7. The Pskov Oblast: the Story of a Failure 69
Conclusion 79
Part 2. Systemic Competitiveness in Canadian Regional Economic Development Agencies and Programs
Chapter 1 Explanation of the Systemic Competitiveness Model 83
Chapter 2 Methodology 85
Chapter 3 FedNor: Northern Ontario's Regional Economic Development Agency 87
Chapter 4. Western Diversification: Regional Economic Development Agency 92
Annex 2. Four Models of Systemic Competitiveness 99


Authors: S. Horoshuhin, S. Javoronkov, M. Lazarowich,V. Mau, J. Wojciechowski, I.Starodubrovskaya (scientific advisor)
Editor: N. Glavatskaya
Page setting V. Yudichev

ISBN 5-93255-080-5

The research and the publication were undertaken in the framework of CEPRA (Consortium for Economic Policy, Research and Advice) project funded by the Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA).

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