Analysis of Economic Growth in Regions: Geographical and Institutional Aspect
Publication date
Wednesday, 31.10.2007
О. Lugovoy, V. Dashkeyev, I. Mazayev, D. Fomchenko, Е. Polyakov, A. Hecht
This study explores disparity in regional development in Russia and in Canada and role of geography in their development. In the first chapter analysis of the role of geographic, economic, and institutional factors in economic growth over 1996–2004 is presented. Additionally the issue of the interregional spatial interaction is analyzed, which is studied in the framework of the new economic geography. The second chapter devoted to the development of Canadian provinces and analyzes factors of provincial differences along with factors of migration in Canada over the period of 1991–2001.
Chapter 1. Analysis of Economic Growth in Russian Regions: Geographical and Institutional Aspect 5
Introduction 5
Determinants of Economic Growth: Recent Research Trends 6
Specific Features of Cross-Regional Growth Studies 9
Geography and Economic Growth 10
New Economic Geography 11
Determinants of Economic Growth in Russian Regions: Empirical Analysis 13
Data and Methodology 14
Spatial Econometrics Methods 15
Application of Mundlak’s Specification to Simultaneous Equations Model of Regional Growth 17
Analysis of Spatial Autocorrelation of Economic Development 18
Description of the Main Hypotheses 23
Analysis of Convergence across Russian Regions with Respect to Spatial Dependence 29
Concepts and Models of Convergence 30
Results of the Empirical Analysis of Convergence 33
Sigma Convergence (1996–2004) 33
Beta Convergence (1998–2004) 39
Model of Economic Growth in Russian Regions 60
Output Growth Equation 61
Labor Factors Input 63
Capital Input Factors 65
Gross Regional Product per Capita 65
Estimation of the Model with 3SLS 68
Model of Regional Growth with Spatial Relations 75
Regional Growth Accounting 76
Scenario of Regional Economic Growth based on the SEM-Model 77
Major Implications for Regional Policy 78
Bibliography 82
Appendix 1: Spatial Econometrics 87
Weight Matrices 87
Spatial Correlation Statistics 90
Spatial Lag Model 92
Spatial Cross Regressive Model 93
Spatial Error Model 94
Appendix 2. Estimation results of Russian regions economic growth model 96
Appendix 3. Maps 102
Chapter 2. Canadian Regional Economic Well-being: a spatial analysis of their differences 103
Introduction 103
The Canadian Setting 105
Canadian Development and Regional Well being 109
Analysis of Population Changes in Canada at the Census Division Level 122
Bibliography 131
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