Prospects for Migration and Russia’s Ethnic Development and Their Account in the Development of Strategic Guidelines of the Country’s Development in the Long Run
Publication date
Monday, 17.05.2004
A. Vishnevsky, Zh. Zayonchkovskaya, N. Mkrtchyan, A. Treyvish, V. Tishkov
The aggravation of the demographic situation in Russia in the last decade of the 20th century, the discontinuation of natural increment of her population and the start of its contraction compels to revise the migration challenges, because in the current circumstances the completion of the population of the country on the whole and its regions can be associated only with migration. Russia has found herself facing new, very hard challenges, whose gravity has not been yet suffi-ciently realized. The purpose of the present paper is to identify the challenges to a maximum possible completeness and justify setting a number of problems and to create a basis for their consequent in-depth research.
Introduction 5
1. Migration As a Mechanism Of the Geographical Redistribution of Russia’s Population 6
2. Internal Migration Challenges 9
2.1. The Fleeting Capacity of Internal Migration 9
2.2. New Regional Migration Vector: from East to West 12
2.3. Main Centers of Gravitation 17
2.4. The Population Outflow from the North and Autonomous Units in the Southern Russia 22
2.5. Internal Migrations and Urbanization 25
2.6. Challenge Knots of Russia’s Settlement 32
2.7. Forecast Hypotheses and Some Consequences of Their Implementation 40
3. Immigration challenges 47
3.1. The visible immigration trends 47
3.2. Perspective Needs in Immigration 50
3.3. The Labor Market as a Main Engine of Immigration 52
3.4. Functions of Immigration and Conflicts Between Them 53
3.5. Potential Migration Donors 55
3.6. Regions as Potential Recipients of Migration 57
3.7. Immigration Policy: the Western Experiences 64
3.8. The Immigration Policy: Challenges Facing Russia 76
4. Immigration and Russia’s Multiethnicity 80
4.1. Immigration and Changing Ethnic Composition 80
4.2. The Inevitability of Doctrinal Adjustments 82
4.3. Assessment of Threats and Counteraction Strategies 85
Conclusion 90
Annex 92
Prospects for Migration and Russia’s Ethnic Development and Their Account in the Development of Strategic Guidelines of the Country’s Development in the Long Run. – М.: IET, 2004. P. 94.
Research team: A.G. Vishnevsky, Dr. of Economics, team leader; Zh.A. Zayonchkovskaya, PhD of Geography; N.V. Mkrtchyan, PhD
Editors: Mezentseva K., Serianova S.
Prof-reader: Horoshkina S.
Page setting: Yudichev V
ISBN 5-93255-138-0
UDC 314.7(470)
ВВС 60.7(2Рус)
Agency CIP RSL
The research and the publication were undertaken in the framework of CEPRA (Consortium for Economic Policy, Research and Advice) project funded by the Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA).
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