
The Gaidar Memorial Office Museum is a non-profit entity founded by the Yegor Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy Fund (decision of the Institute’s Scientific Council of 28 May 2012) for carrying out social, cultural, research, educational and other non-commercial functions.

The museum’s main objective is to preserve the heritage and memorialize the life and professional activities of Yegor Gaidar.

It suggests the following:
• identification and collecting of museum pieces and collections;
• accounting and keeping of museum pieces, collections and museum holdings;
• research and presentation to the public of museum pieces and collections;
• publication of museum pieces and collections;
• formation and scientific research into museum holding articles;
• carrying out of social, cultural, research, educational and archive activities;
• preservation of museum pieces which require restoration;
• systematization of pieces of museum holdings and formation of electronic databases;
• provision of access to cultural values to the public;
• organization and holding of exhibitions and guided tours of the Museum, including field trips and various theme-based events.

The Museum’s supreme governing body is the Museum Board elected by the Founder (Owner). The term of office of a member of the Museum Board is five years.

The Museum’s sole executive body which carries out management of the Museum’s day-to-day activities is the Director. The Director is appointed by the Museum Board; the Director’s term of office is five years.

At present, the Director of the Museum is Pyotr Yegorovich Gaidar.

The authority supervising the Museum’s activities is the Audit Commission (Auditor).

Location of the Museum: 125993, Moscow, Gazetny Lane 3–5, constr. 1.

Museum Charter

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