Special Economic Zones

Publication date
Saturday, 10.11.2007

S. Prihodko, N. Volovik, A. Hecht, B. Sharpe, M. Mandres


The work is concerned with free economic zones classification and basic principles of operation. Foreign experience of free economic zones creation is regarded. Considerable attention is paid to the history of free economic zones organization in Russia. The main causes of failures of their implementation are analyzed. At present the work on creation of special economic zones of main types – industrial and production, innovation and technological, tourist and recreation - has started in Russia. The main part of the work is devoted to Canadian experience of regional development.

I. Regional Development in Canada    7
1. An Introduction to Regional Development in Canada    7
2. Canadian Regional Development Programs, Surrogate SEZs    7
3. Bibliography    10
II. Northern Ontario’s Surrogate Special Economic Zone (SEZ), FedNor    13
1. Introduction    13
2. Governance    14
3. Regional Programs    16
4. Focus of Help    18
5. Financial Sources and Distribution    19
6. Indications of Success and Trends Emphasis    20
7. Bibliography    23
III. Atlantic Canada’s Surrogate SEZ Programs, ACOA    25
1. Introduction    25
2. Governance    27
3. Structure of Regional Programs    27
4. Horizontal Initiatives    33
5. Focus of Help    35
6. Financial Sources and Distribution    36
7. Indications of Success and Trends of Emphasis    40
8. Bibliography    43
IV. Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, a Surrogate SEZ Support Entity    46
1. Introduction    46
2. Governance    47
3. Structure of Regional Programs    47
4. Focus of Help    49
5. Financial Sources and Distribution    49
6. Indications of Success and Trends of Emphasis    49
7. Bibliography    51
V. Quebec’s Surrogate SEZ Regional Development Zones, CED-QR    53
1. Introduction    53
2. Mandate    54
3. Governance    55
4. Regions of Quebec    57
5. Structure of Regional Programs    60
6. Horizontal Initiatives    64
7. Focus of Help    64
8. Financial Sources and Distributions    66
9. Indications of Success and Trends of Emphasis    67
10. Bibliography    72
VI. Western Canada’s Surrogate SEZ Regional Development Zones, WD    75
1. Introduction    75
2. The British Columbia-Alberta Trade, Investment, and Labour Mobility Agreement    76
3. Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD)    78
4. Mandate    78
5. Governance    79
6. Structure of Regional Programs    80
7. Focus of Help    83
8. Financial Sources and Distributions    84
9. Indications of Success and Trends of Emphasis    85
10. Bibliography    90
VII. U. S. Foreign-Trade Zones, Surrogate SEZs    92
1. Introduction    92
2. Governance    93
3. Regional Distribution    94
4. Focus and Advantages    94
5. Financial Sources and Industrial Sector Distribu-tion    96
6. Indications of Success and Trends of Emphasis    96
7. Bibliography    97
VIII. Export Processing Zones in Latin America and the Caribbean    99
1. Introduction    99
2. Establishment    101
3. Legislation    104
4. Incentives    104
5. Public-Private Partnerships    106
6. Relevant Policy Recommendations    106
7. Bibliography    113
IX. International Experiences of Creation and Functioning of SEZ    118
1. Western Europe    118
2. Japan    121
3. SEZ in China    127
4. SEZ in Hungary    130
5. The Portuguese SEZs    134
6. SEZs in Turkey    136
7. SEZs in the Philippines    139
8. SEZ in Egypt    142
9. SEZs in India    144
10. SEZs in Iran    146
X. The Background of the Rise of SEZs in Russia    150
XI. Export Processing Zones: Definitions, Concepts, and Typology    160
1. Introduction    160
2. Export Processing Zones (EPZs)    162
3. Free Trade Zones (FTZs)    166
4. Special Economic Zones (SEZs)    166
5. Maquiladoras    167
6. EPZ Typology    168
7. EPZ Distribution    169
8. Bibliography    171
Annex 1: Summary of ACOA’s Program Activities    175
XII. Contemporary State and Challenges Facing Development of Special Economic Zones in Russia    178
1. Fundamental Provisions of the Federal Act “On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation”    178
2. Special Economic Zones of R&D Type    190
(a) Special Economic Zone in Dubna    190
(b) Special R&D Economic Zone “Zelenograd”    200
(c) Special Economic Zone in St. Petersburg    204
(d) Special Economic Zones in the City of Tomsk    206
3. Special Economic Zones of Industrial Type    211
(a) Special Economic Zone in the Town of Yelabuga    211
(b) A special economic zone of industrial type in Lipetsk oblast    215
4. Tourist and Recreational Special Economic Zones    218
(a) Special economic zone “Biryuzovaya Katun”.    225
(b) Special economic zone in the territory of “Listvyanka” settlement    227
(c) Special economic zone “Baikal”    231
(d) SEZ in the territory of Altay Republic    235
(e) SEZ in Krasondar krai    238
(f) Special economic zone “Kavkazskiye Mineralnye Vody” (KMV)    239
(g) Special economic zone “Kurshskaya Kosa” (KK)    241
Bibliography    243
Conclusion    246

UDC 332.122
BBC 65.046.11

Special Economic Zones / Consortium for Economic Policy Research and Advice. – Moscow : IET, 2007. – 247 p.: il. – ISBN 978-5-93255-207-0
Agency CIP RSL

The research and the publication were undertaken in the framework of CEPRA (Consortium for Economic Policy Research and Advice) project funded by the Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA).

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