
Alexei Vedev on RBC-TV: the main event of the week

20 march 2024

Alexei Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department of the Gaidar Institute took part in the “Den. Glavnoe” (Day. Topical Issues) program on RBC-TV in which experts discussed the main developments of the current week: the prospects of cooperation with China and the situation on the gas and investments markets.

Alexei Vedev speaks on RBC-TV about the prospects of the Russian ruble in 2024

15 march 2024

Alexei Vedev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of the Financial Studies Department of the Gaidar Institute took part in the “Den. Glavnoe” (Day. Topical Issues) program on RBC-TV.

Alexei Vedev speaks on RBC-TV about forthcoming tax changes

06 march 2024

Alexei Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department of the Gaidar Institute took part in the “Chto Dalsche?” (What’s Next?) program on RBC-TV. The topic of the program was the discussion of approaches to the modernization of the Russian fiscal system and introduction of a progressive tax scale.

Alexei Vedev on the progressive tax scale prospects in Russia

05 march 2024

Alexei Vedev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of the Financial Studies Department of the Gaidar Institute shared his opinion with MK.Ru on modernization of the fiscal system and introduction of a progressive scale of taxation.

Alexey Vedev talked to "Smart guys" about the main priorities of RF Economic Policy

05 march 2024

Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department at the Gaidar Institute, took part in the program Smart Guys on Govorit Moskva radio. During live broadcast, the expert discussed the main aspects of the President's Address to the Federal Assembly, in particular, the economic policy issues. Special attention was paid to the key rate of the Central Bank and its impact on the economy. Alexey Vedev also shared his opinion on the current course of economic policy and its prospects.

Alexey Vedev mentioned goods whose imports to Russia will fall

02 march 2024

Vladimir Putin, addressing the Federal Assembly, called for no more than 17% of GDP to be imported by 2030. Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department at the Gaidar Institute, talking to MK.RU mentioned goods whose imports to Russia will fall.

Alexey Vedev spoke on new development opportunities of the Russian Federation in the period of “hellish” sanctions

23 february 2024

Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department at the Gaidar Institute, took part in the special edition of Den.Glavnoye program at the RBC channel dedicated to the two-year anniversary of the “hellish” sanctions against Russia

Experts of the Gaidar Institute estimate the benefits of International settlements in digital rubles

22 february 2024

According to RBC, in December 2023, the ruble’s share in exports and imports settlements with Europe amounted to 49%. Alexander Firanchuk and Dmitry Kuznetsov, employees of the International Trade Department at the Gaidar Institute, explained why the structure of currencies is changing and assessed the benefits of international settlements in digital rubles.

Alexey Vedev: Biden's executive order is unlikely to affect trade ties between Russia and Turkey

21 february 2024

Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department at the Gaidar Institute, commented to MK.RU on the threats of risks associated with bank payments between Russia and Turkey.

Alexey Vedev: Household consumption was the main driver of Russia’s economic growth in 2023

15 february 2024

Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department at the Gaidar Institute, told TASS that household consumption made the most significant contribution to economic growth in Russia in 2023. Also, according to him, companies' investments made a significant positive contribution to GDP growth.

Alexander Knobel: There will be no additional customs charges for cars already imported into the Russian Federation

14 february 2024

Alexander Knobel, Head of the International Trade Department at the Gaidar Institute, shared with TASS his opinion that the expected introduction of a unified risk management framework (RMF) for the EAEU countries will not lead to additional customs charges for cars already imported into Russia.

Alexey Vedev: Russia is destined to have significant foreign exchange reserves

12 february 2024

Russia has moved up to the 6th place in the world in terms of foreign currency reserves, pushing Saudi Arabia down to the 7th place in the world ranking. Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department at the Gaidar Institute, told MK.RU in a commentary why we have overtaken Saudi Arabia and how the world ranking will affect the Russian economy.

Alexey Vedev named possible reasons for the growth of household incomes

09 february 2024

Rosstat reported that in 2023 the real disposable income of the population rose by 5.4%. Dr. Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department, in a conversation with "MK.RU" named possible reasons for such development.

Alexey Vedev: “The policy of the Ministry of Finance in respect of foreign currency will not affect the ruble exchange rate”

07 february 2024

Dr. Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department at the Gaidar Institute, commented to “MK.RU” on the news that the Ministry of Finance was going to change their tactics in respect of foreign currency.

Alexey Vedev has Assessed the Consequences of Record-High Growth in the US Public Debt

02 february 2024

Dr. Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department at the Gaidar Institute, took part in the live program “Chto Dalshe?” (What’s next?) which focused on growth in the US public debt. Experts discussed the key risks related with the US public debt and its threat to the global economy.

Alexey Vedev: “In 2024 sharp growth in cash on hands of the population is not expected in Russia”

29 january 2024

The Central Bank of Russia has registered growth in demand for cash on the part of the population. Dr. Alexey Vedev, Head of the Financial Studies Department at the Gaidar institute, told МК.RU what had caused this trend and how long it would last.