The 2008 National Diploma Paper competition

The Institute for the Economy in Transition announced that the 2008 National Diploma Paper competition in economics would be conducted among the graduates of economic higher education institutions and the economic faculties of Russia’s higher education establishments.

Prizes "For the best diploma paper in economics" had been founded, which will be received by winners according to the competition results:
  • For the first place – Rb 20 thousand.
  • For the second place – one prize worth Rb 10 thousand.
  • For the third place – three prizes worth Rb 5 thousand each.
The participants in the Contest were 134 graduates in economics, who defended their diploma works addressing various fields of economics in 2008 and graduated from the following higher educational establishments in Russia: the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Amur State University, Bashkirian State University, Vologda State Technical University, Voronezh State Academy of Forestry Industries, Voronezh State Technological Academy, Far-East V. V. Kuibyshev State Technical University, Ivanovo V. I. Lenin Power Engineering University, Kazan Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Kemerovo State University, Kursk State Technical University, Kuzbass State Technical University, The Mineralnye Vody Branch of Moscow Open Social Academy, Moscow State Electronics and Mathematics Institute, Moscow Physics and Technological Institute, Moscow Power Engineering University, Omsk F. M. Dostoyevsky State University, Perm Branch of the State University – Higher School of Economics, Samara State University of Economics, St.Petersburg State University, Central Russia’s University, Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, The South Urals State University, Yaroslavl P. G. Demidov State University, South Federal University, and some others.

To conduct the competition a commission had been appointed comprising:
Chairman - Dr. of Economic Sciences Ye. T. Gaidar,
Deputy Chairman - Academician R.M. Entov,
Academic Secretary – A.I. Yashin,
Members of Commission: Dr. of Economic Sciences V.A. Mau, Dr. of Economic Sciences A.D. Radygin, Dr. of Economic Sciences S.G. Sinelnikov-Murylev, Dr. of Economic Sciences A.V. Ulyukaev, Dr. of Economic Sciences S.V. Shishkin.

After examining all the diploma works submitted for the Contest, the Committee came to the following conclusion.
  • The First Award is not to be conferred.
  • Two Second Awards are to be conferred to:
Elena Pavlovna Polyashova, graduate of Vologda State Technical University, for her Diploma Work “Food Security of Vologda Oblast and the Ways to Improve It”;
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Vavilov, graduate of Kazan Institute of Economics, Management and Law, for his Diploma Work “Estimation of the Benefits of Mergers and Takeovers (as Exemplified by the Open-end Joint-Stock Company “Khimprom” and the Open-end Joint-Stock Company “Tasma”).
  • Two Third Awards are to be conferred to:
Alexey Olegovich Shmelev, graduate of South Federal University, for his Diploma Work “Over-concentration of corporate property as an objective cause of corporate conflicts”;
Denis Yurievich Subbotnitskii, graduate of St.Petersburg State University, for his Diploma Work “Assessment of Different Dynamics Variants of Indices of the Russian GKO Market in 1998”.

All the competition winners were awarded diplomas and cash bonuses.


Wednesday, 11.02.2009