Russia’s Position in the Global Peace Index Improved
Russia took the 152nd place among 162 countries in the 2014 Global Peace Index published by the International Institute of Economy and Peace (Sydney, Australia and New York, the USA).
Within a year from the day of publication of the previous report, Russia moved 3 positions upward leaving behind North Korea. A reduction for Russia of the index which caused that movement was utterly insignificant, that is, by 0.021 points (up to 3,039).
According to the compilers of the rating, in 2014 Russia has become the most peaceful country in the category of the 11 most unpacific countries. Despite the developments in Crimea and the east of Ukraine – due to which developments the assessments of both the neighboring countries changed for the worse – the compilers of the index underlined specifically Russia’s progress in reduction of the number of the police force, murders and terrorist acts. Ahead of Russia in the index are Nigeria, Columbia and Israel, while North Korea, Pakistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo are left behind.
The most peaceful countries are still Iceland and Denmark, while the 3rd place in the index was taken by Austria instead of New Zealand. Except for the above countries, the top ten includes Switzerland, Finland, Canada, Japan, Belgium and Norway. Within a year, the US moved downward from the 99th place to the 101st place.
Vassily Zatsepin, PhD (military science), Head of the Economics of the Military-Industrial Sector Department
Wednesday, 18.06.2014