Russian Economy in 2023. Trends and Outlooks (Issue 45)

Team of authors
Series: "Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives"
[V. Mau et al; scientific editing by Kudrin A.L., Doctor of sciences (economics), Radygin A.D., Doctor of sciences (economics), Sinelnikov-Murylev S.G., Doctor of sciences (economics)]; Gaidar Institute. – Moscow: Gaidar
Institute Publishers, 2024. – 422 pp.: illust.
ISBN 978-5-93255-672-6
UDC 338.1(470+571)“2023”
BBC 65.9(2Рос)”
The review “Russian economy. Trends and outlooks” has been published by the Gaidar Institute since 1991. This is the 45th issue. This publication provides a detailed analysis of main trends in Russian economy, global trends in social and economic development. The paper contains 5 big sections that highlight different aspects of Russia’s economic development, which allow to monitor all angles of ongoing events over a prolonged period: the monetary and budget spheres; financial markets and institutions; the real sector; social sphere; institutional changes. The paper employs a huge mass of statistical data that forms the basis of original computation and numerous charts confirming the conclusions.
Reviewer: Kiselev S.V., Doctor of sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Agroeconomics Department, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
[V. Mau et al; scientific editing by Kudrin A.L., Doctor of sciences (economics), Radygin A.D., Doctor of sciences (economics), Sinelnikov-Murylev S.G., Doctor of sciences (economics)]; Gaidar Institute. – Moscow: Gaidar
Institute Publishers, 2024. – 422 pp.: illust.
ISBN 978-5-93255-672-6
UDC 338.1(470+571)“2023”
BBC 65.9(2Рос)”
The review “Russian economy. Trends and outlooks” has been published by the Gaidar Institute since 1991. This is the 45th issue. This publication provides a detailed analysis of main trends in Russian economy, global trends in social and economic development. The paper contains 5 big sections that highlight different aspects of Russia’s economic development, which allow to monitor all angles of ongoing events over a prolonged period: the monetary and budget spheres; financial markets and institutions; the real sector; social sphere; institutional changes. The paper employs a huge mass of statistical data that forms the basis of original computation and numerous charts confirming the conclusions.
Reviewer: Kiselev S.V., Doctor of sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Agroeconomics Department, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.