From the Trigger to the Trickster. Encyclopedia of Dialectical Sciences. Vol. 2: Negativity in Ethics

Artemiy Magun
Moscow: Gaidar Institute Press, 2022. – 368 p. – (Logos magazine library).
ISBN 978-5-93255-626-9
This book continues the dialectical series started by the "Art of Non-Existence". If in the last book we were convinced that aesthetics is a kind of ethical temptation of evil, then in the new book the author asks, firstly, what should we do in the face of this temptation, and secondly, how ethical consciousness can break out of the negativization that suits art perfectly. The aesthetic response to the ethical challenge of evil is clearly insufficient, but it sets the task of separating ethics from moralism. The book does not give recipes, but offers to extract reasonable grounds for activity from already existing ethical orders. Ethics dissects the subject, introducing him into an intimate relationship with his own-evil. This attitude reveals two basic principles: trigger emotionalism and trickster provocation. Both are dialectically contradictory, but their philosophical clarification leads the author to the ethics of radical tolerance.
Author of the series V.V. Anashvili.