In search of a man: essays on the history and methodology of economic science

Vladimir Avtonomov
Under scientific editing by E. Riazantseva. Moscow; Saint-Peterburg: Gaidar Institute Press; Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SPbSU, 2020. – 680 p. – ("New economic thinking" series)
ISBN 978-5-93255-578-1
Economics seems at first glance an impersonal, strictly objective science. The author tries to prove that this is not quite true. The book contains works on two aspects of the problem "man in the economy". The first, methodological, is the model of man in Economics, that is, the" working " view of human nature on which economists base their theories. The second is connected with the history of economic thought, in which the personality of great economists plays an important and interesting role.
The book is intended for economists: researchers, teachers, students, practitioners, as well as a wide range of readers who are interested in worldview problems of economic science.