An unreliable existence. Heidegger and modernism

Dmitriy Kralechkin
Nenadezhnoe bytie. Haydegger i modernizm
Moscow, Gaidar Institute Press, 2020. – 352 p. – (Logos magazine library).
ISBN 978-5-93255-577-4
Heidegger's resistance to "modernism" became almost an official Testament to him. Black notebooks only reinforced this anti-modernist conclusion, turning Heidegger into the leading philosophical obscurantists of the XX century. But perhaps we should not take Heidegger's word for it. What if we try to deconstruct Heidegger as a modernist, revealing behind the declarative level of invective and duty criticism the territory of modernist ontology with its own problems (such as reliability and usability), which still define our situation of knowledge? What did Heidegger ultimately want as the last auteur of philosophy and what did he achieve?
The originator of the series V. Anashvili.