The Citizen and the State: Essays on Regulation

George J. Stigler
Translated to Russian by N. Avtonomova; scientific edition of the translation V. Avtonomov, E. Khudko (ch. 6, 10, 11). Moscow, Gaidar Institute Press, 2017. – 336 p.
ISBN 978-5-93255-488-3
This collection of articles by the outstanding representative of the "Chicago school", the Nobel prize winner in Economics (1982) George Stigler combines a lot of philosophical and theoretical arguments, empirical results of the application of economic theory and reflections on future research directions – all this combined with a subtle humor and uncompromising rigor of thought. Stigler argues that it is necessary to abandon the traditional taxonomic approach to state intervention in the economy and its actual consequences and move to the study of why a particular economic policy is being implemented. Paying special attention to the relationship between politics and economic legislation, the author develops an approach to state regulation, showing the associated costs, benefits and power struggles.
The book is of interest to economists, political scientists, civil servants and anyone interested in issues of state regulation of the economy.