Revolution: mechanisms, prerequisites and consequences of radical social transformations

Vladimir Mau
Under scientific editing by E. Antonova. – Moscow: Gaidar Institute Press, 2017. – 368 p.
ISBN 978‑5‑93255‑511-8
This book is devoted to the problems of the theory and history of great revolutions. Based on the analysis of the English (XVII century), French (the turn of the XVIII–XIX centuries) and Russian (the beginning of the XX century) revolutions, the regularities constituting the elements of radical social transformations are revealed. Based on the results of comparative studies of past revolutions, the author substantiates the thesis about the specific, revolutionary nature of the post-Communist transformation of Russia. The book focuses on the Russian experience of radical transformations occurring at the beginning and end of the XX century, which is quite natural in the year of the centenary of the Russian revolution of 1917.
The book is intended for historians, economists, sociologists, and all those who are interested in the problems of socio-economic transformation.