Law’s Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters

David D. Friedman
Translated to Russian by I. Kushnareva; under scientific editing by M. Odintsova. Moscow, Gaidar Institute Press, 2017. – 640 p.
ISBN 978‑5‑93255‑494‑4
Drawing on numerous commonsense examples, in addition to his extensive knowledge of Chicago-school economics, David D. Friedman offers a spirited defense of the economic view of law. He clarifies the relationship between law and economics in clear prose that is friendly to students, lawyers, and lay readers without sacrificing the intellectual heft of the ideas presented. Friedman is the ideal spokesman for an approach to law that is controversial not because it overturns the conclusions of traditional legal scholars – it can be used to advocate a surprising variety of political positions, including both sides of such contentious issues as capital punishment – but rather because it alters the very nature of their arguments. For example, rather than viewing landlord-tenant law as a matter of favoring landlords over tenants or tenants over landlords, an economic analysis makes clear that a bad law injures both groups in the long run. And unlike traditional legal doctrines, economics offers a unified approach, one that applies the same fundamental ideas to understand and evaluate legal rules in contract, property, crime, tort, and every other category of law, whether in modern day America or other times and places – and systems of non-legal rules, such as social norms, as well.