Speaking of Economics. How to get in the conversation

Arjo Klamer
Translated from English by I. Dyagileva; scientific editor of the translation D. Raskov. — M.; SPb: Gaidar Institute Press; International Relations Publishing House, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, 2015. — 336 p. (Series “New Economic Thinking”)
ISBN 978-5-93255-403-6
ISBN 978-5-7133-1494-1
The book offers a new look at the profession of an economist. The author defends the point of view that economic science is, first of all, a discursive practice or conversation. From this position, he considers the real practice of drawing attention to one’s own ideas, conducting debates, publishing in journals, holding conferences, passing a competition, and other inevitable attributes of the academic life of economists. The book is written in simple language and successfully combines criticism and apologetics of economic science.
The book is intended for students, teachers, journalists, practicing economists, or outside observers interested in discussing economic science.