Revolutions. A Very Short Introduction

Jack А. Goldstone
Translated. from English by A. Yakovlev. – M.: Gaidar Institute Press, 2015. – 192 p.
ISBN 978-5-93255-397-8
The book by the leading specialist in the field of historical macrosociology and one of the founders of cliodynamics Jack A. Goldstone is devoted to the description of the structure, causes and results of revolutions – these key events in the development of society, their transition from monarchies, empires and dictatorships, personalistic regimes to a democratic form of government. The author critically analyzes the main modern theories of revolutions and offers his own vision of this problematic field. He accompanies the presentation of the theory with capacious and vivid pictures of revolutions of various eras – the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Modern and Contemporary Times, ending the book with a brief forecast concerning the future of revolutions.