Economics and Religion

Almanac of the CECR
Almanac of the Center for Economic Culture Research, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University – 2015. Special issue “Economics and Religion”
ISBN 978-5-93255-454-8
The Center for Economic Culture Research (CECR) of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University studies the relationship between economics and culture, or, in other words, the relationship between the economic system and the political, social and cultural environment. CECR does not, in principle, bind itself to any one, single correct methodology, but is open to various approaches. Among the important tasks of CECR is the creation of an interdisciplinary dialogue between economists, philosophers, sociologists and historians of different directions and views.
The connection between economics and culture implies the inclusion of the following areas in the research agenda: criticism of the value foundations and implicit assumptions of modern economic theory, achievements of heterodox economic thought (Post-Keynesianism, Marxism, institutionalism), the study of economics as a humanitarian discipline, the role of culture and values in economic development, the economic culture of countries and regions, the relationship between economics and religion, economics and art, philosophical and artistic reflection on economics.
The Almanac is an open platform for discussing these issues. Its goal is to invite representatives of various social and humanitarian sciences to participate in the discussion on understanding the phenomenon of economic culture, as well as to convey conference materials to a wider readership, to introduce the most interesting discussions within the framework of regular seminars "Economics and Culture" of the Center for Economic Studies of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University.