Kadochnikov, Pavel

- Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Date of birth: 28 March, 1978
Telephone number: 629-1504
e-mail: plk@iet.ru


  • 1995 - 1999 - Moscow Physico-Technical Institute, Department of Applied Mathematics and Economics, Bachelor's Degree (Cum Laude Diploma)
  • 1999 – 2001 - Moscow Physico-Technical Institute (Masters Degree Program), Master's Degree (Cum Laude Diploma)
  • 1999 – 2001 - Russian School of Economics (completed all the mandatory courses under the Master's degree program), Certificate (Average grade 4.8)
  • 2002 – 2005 - Postgraduate Courses at the Institute for the Economy in Transition, Department for Intramural Studies, Specialty 08 00 01 "Theory of Economics", Сandidate of Economic Sciences

Foreign languages

English — fluent,

French – basic level

Professional Experience

  • 2013-2020: leading researcher in the Real sector research area of the Gaidar Institute;
  • 2009-2013: Executive Director of the Russian APEC research center;
  • 2007-2013: head of the scientific direction "Real sector" of the Gaidar Institute;
  • 2007-2020: Vice-rector for research of the all-Russian Academy of foreign trade of the Ministry of economic development of Russia;
  • 2006-2017: Director of the New economic education Foundation»;
  • 2000-2003: assistant to state Duma Deputy Gaidar E. T. for work in the State Duma, state Duma of the Russian Federation;
  • 1998-2007: head of the Department. the laboratory of the Institute for the economy in transition.

Area of interest in research

  • macroeconomics,
  • currency exchange policy,
  • public sector economics,
  • currency market and currency exchange rate,
  • econometrics

Participation in Projects

  • participation in the preparation of the reports “Macroeconomic and institutional problems of the financial crisis in Russia”, “Tax revenue modeling, estimation of the territories’ tax potentials”, “The consequences of introducing stabilization measures based on fixed nominal exchange rate”, The external factors of monetary policy”, “The problems of forecasting some macroeconomic indices of the RF”, “An estimation of the consequences of the income tax reform in the RF” within the framework of a research project implemented by the IET and funded by the USAID grant;
  • participation, as a member of the IET’s group of experts, in the activity ordered by the Bureau for Economic Analysis and designed to develop a methodology for allocating transfers from the FFSR to the RF subjects, as well as to compute the standards of budget expenditures for the regions.  Based on the results, the reports “The development of methodology for allocating financial aid to subjects of the Russian Federation in the year 2000” and “The development of budget standards and methodology for estimating the interregional differences in justified budget needs of subjects of the Russian Federation” were prepared;
  • participation, as a member of the IET’s group of experts, in the project “A comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic and financial aspects of migration from the Far North regions” implemented within the framework of an agreement with the Non-Commercial Fund for Restructuring Enterprises and Developing Financial Institutions;
  • participation in a joint Russian-Canadian CEPRA project on the themes: “An estimation of the tax potential and computation of standard expenditure needs of the RF subjects”, “The influence of the methodology of financial aid allocation on the fiscal behavior of the federal authorities”, “The financial relations between the federal center and the Northern regions, and their consequences for the migration from the North”, “The place of the Northern regions in the RF’s budgetary system, and an estimation of the consequences of mass migration”, “Interbudgetary transfers and the fiscal behavior of the Russian federal authorities in the years 1994 – 2000”, “An analysis of the redistribution of funds between the federal and regional budgets within the framework of the system of interbudgetary relations, and an estimation of the stabilization properties of redistribution instruments”;
  • an estimation of the prospects for the creation of a stabilization fund in the Russian Federation, and the development of proposals thereof;
  • participation in the preparation of the Strategy of the Development of the Russian Federation until the year 2010 under a contract with the Center for Strategic Developments concerning the following sections of the contract: an estimation of the consequences of the tax reform, reforming excise taxation, proposals for reforming the road funds in the RF;
  • an analysis of the cash flows in the financing of road construction in the RF, the implementation of the contract with the Russian Automobile Road Service, the development of the Concept of Improving the Pricing System in Road Construction within the framework of the Program of Improving the Efficiency of the Budget Expenditures of the RF Ministry of Finance, an analysis of existing legislation and development of proposals in respect to improving the system of purchases of commodities and services for state needs, an analysis of the problem of monopolism in road-construction services market, a search for mechanisms to increase the openness of road construction, an analysis of the cash flows in the financing of the transport sector from the federal center toward the RF subjects, the preparation of proposals to optimize the system of interbudgetary subsidies, subventions and dotations for equalizing the development level of the automobile road network intended for common use;
  • participation in the World Bank’s project “Improving the efficiency of expenditures on road management”, implemented by the IET for the RF Ministry of Finance and the RF Ministry of Transport (Rosavtodor);
  • participation in the World Bank’s project  “The development of federal and regional legislation in the sphere of interbudgetary relations and subnational finances”, 2001-2003;
  • coordination of activities and participation in the project designed to prepare “The national program for the development and modernization of roads until the year 2025”.

Presentations at Conferences

  • Tax revenue modeling, “New frontiers. The strategic problems of the next phase of economic reforms in Russia", Moscow, June 30- July 02, 1999.
  • Application of the first-generation models of currency crisis (as exemplified by Russia, 1996-98), "Post-communist Russia in the context of world socio-economic development", Moscow, December 01-02, 2000.
  • Estimation of the norms of expenditure needs of subjects of the Russian Federation, “Russia on the way toward stable growth and an open economy”, International Conference under the aegis of RECEP-CEPRA, with the support by Novgorod Oblast Administration, Velikii Novgorod,  June 23-25, 2001.
  • An analysis of the redistribution of resources between the federal and regional budgets within the framework of the system of interbudgetary relations, an estimation of the stabilization properties of the redistribution instruments, “The Second Decade of Russian reforms”, CEPRA International Conference, St. Petersburg, Jule 7-8, 2002.
  • Аn analysis and estimation of import substitutions in the RF in 1998-2000. IET Scientific Counsil, April 23, 2003


Scientific editing