On the share of wages in GDP of Russia in 2009

According to the survey of FBK auditing and consulting company, in 2009 Russia was ahead of the European Union in terms of real wages share in GDP. 


The support of the internal market in 2009 was based on the redistribution of income from enterprises to the population. The share of wages in GDP rose to 51.8% and 4.7 percentage points has exceeded the indicator of 2008. 

In the structure of the working population the share of employees makes 92%, to whom the problem of wages and employment is a priority. Against the background of falling real wages and real incomes of the population the high levels of unemployment is sustained: in 2009 against the same period of 2008, the number of employees in the economy has reduced by 1.7 million people and accounted for 69.4 million people, and the total number of unemployed (by ILO methodology) reached 6.0 million people, or 8.4% of the economically active population. The number of officially registered unemployed in the public employment services reached 2.1 million, and the registered unemployment rate amounted to 2.8% against 1.8% in 2008. 

A comparison of the dynamics of employment, wages and GDP shows that in 2009 the pressure on the economy was increased, which adversely affected the results of economic performance. 

In the framework of a sharp downfall in production in 2009, the share of the gross profit and mixed income in the GDP was 31.8%, and net taxes on production and imports - 16.4% versus 19.8% and 33.1% respectively in 2008. The dynamics of financial performance of companies and organizations was based, on the one hand, on the downfall in production in nearly all economic activities, and on the other hand - an increase in producers’ prices, mainly in mineral resource production and tariffs of natural monopolies.
During the crisis the long-term dynamics of the current trend of low productivity as compared with wages, as well as the late response of producers to employment restructuring, while reducing production

O.I. Izryadnova – Head of Laboratory for Structural Problems of the Economy 

Wednesday, 28.04.2010