On amendments of accounting regulatory control in the state (municipal) organizations

From 2011 budgetary organizations should apply the new chart of accounts introduced to replace invalid instructions on budgetary accounting, approved by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Finance on 30 December 2008 No. 148n.  

In this case, the previous instructions were replaced by the four new regulations designed to regulate the procedure of accounting in the state (municipal) institutions. These documents are:
  1. Unified accounting chart for bodies of state government (government bodies), local government bodies, state extra budgetary funds bodies, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) organizations and the Regulation for their implementation approved by the Order of the RF Ministry of Finance of 1 December 2010 No. 157n;
  2. Budget accounting charts and the Regulation for their implementation approved by the Order of the RF Ministry of Finance of 6 December 2010 No. 162n;
  3. Accounting charts of budgetary organizations and the Regulation for their implementation approved by the Order of the RF Ministry of Finance of 16 December 2010 No. 174n;
  4. Accounting charts of autonomous organizations and the Regulation for their implementation approved by the Order of the RF Ministry of Finance of 23 December 2010 No. 183n.
Simultaneous introduction of several accounting regulations on accounting in the public sector was conditioned by amendments in the legal status of organizations, which from the beginning of this year, were introduced by the Federal Law of 8 May 2010 No. 83-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of Legal Status of Government (municipal) Organizations". Currently, there are low cost, independent and state property types of organizations among the state and municipal ones.

Uniform Chart of Accounts is a unified standard document for all public (municipal) organizations regardless of their type. The remaining three regulations are based on a single chart of accounts depending on the specific nature of organization that affect particular reference to its accounting. Therefore, the regulation relating to the implementation of the unified chart of accounts contains the general accounting requirements, while the regulations approved for certain types of organizations, describe the bookkeeping accounts correlation.

Autonomous institution should be guided by the regulation approved by the Order of the RF Ministry of Finance No. 183n.

Budgetary and state owned organizations are subject to regulations approved by Orders of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 162n and 174n. Furthermore, regulation approved by Order No. 162n is designed for organizations, which financial security is based on budget estimates. They are state-owned organizations, as well as budgetary organizations:
  • Which by the start of the year were not reorganized into state owned or autonomous organizations;
  • In respect of which in compliance with paragraph 1 Article 78.1 of the RF Budget Code a decision was not taken regarding provision of subsidy for the state (municipal) order implementation.

Budgetary organizations which received subsidy for state (municipal) order implementation must apply regulation approved by the Order No. 174n.

V.V. Gromov – research fellow, Tax Policy Department

Wednesday, 11.05.2011