Justification of excise policy with regard to alcoholic products in Russia for the period until 2023 (Union of Russian Brewers, June-July 2020)
In late June 2020, Gaidar Institute experts got started on justifying the excise policy for alcoholic products in Russia for the period until 2023 under a contract with the Union of Russian Brewers.
The project's objective was to estimate socially and economically justified level of excise rates for beer, vodka and wine for the period up to 2023.
The project’s main points:
- Forecast of the federal budget parameters and of the enlarged government budget for the period up to 2023. Finding sources for budget balancing.
- Description of feasible scenarios of changes in excise rates for the types of alcoholic products under consideration up to 2023 and their impact on the industry's output (with a breakdown of the share of large businesses and SMEs). Assessment of excise taxes on alcoholic products as a source of budget balancing.
- Description of the entrepreneurial structure of the alcohol industry, its Russian suppliers and distribution network (broken down into large businesses and SMEs) with an assessment of output, employment, and tax burden indicators.
- Assessment of the consequences of feasible scenarios of changes in excise taxation.
- Proposals on the optimal excise policy scenario for the types of alcoholic products under consideration from the point of view of all market stakeholders’ interests.
The project was completed by August 1, 2020.
Tuesday, 07.07.2020