Rendering of consulting services on “Research of digital ecosystems in the Russian economy” (January-June 2022)

In January 2022, Gaidar Institute experts launched research on digital ecosystems in the Russian economy.

Research general tasks:


  •      Formulate a definition of the multilateral market, highlight its main features and characteristics, formulate a definition of a digital platform through the multilateral market.

  •         Identify features of multilateral markets that affect the application of antitrust laws, including network effects and their impact on a platform's market position.

  •         Identify a typology of multilateral markets according to their functional purpose (platforms for advertising, transactional platforms, for creating and promoting innovations, etc., including the most typical types of platforms for each of the functions, e.g. search platforms, social networks and streaming platforms for advertising; e-commerce, service aggregators, p2p platforms for transactional, etc.), according to the purposes and ways of collecting and processing personal data (to measure traffic trends and usage; to optimize the platform's website; to provide personalized content, etc.).

  •         Consider peculiarities of pricing in platform markets depending on the interaction of platforms with each other.

  •         Examine cases of regulation of banking ecosystems, state platforms, infrastructure platforms/ecosystems, highlight the specifics of regulation of these types of ecosystems depending on the possible risks of their activities, including regulation of the entry of state platforms into the commercial market.·        Consider legal regulation of digital platforms and ecosystems, including the definition of digital platforms and their network effects.

  •        Evaluate the effectiveness of self-regulation combined with existing antitrust laws to regulate the economic activities of ecosystems


The project was completed in June 2022.

РResearch findings

ПDetailed research report

Wednesday, 06.07.2022