Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives MAY 2000

Publication date
Wednesday, 07.06.2000

T. Drobyshevskaya S. Batkibekov S. Arkhipov S. Drobyshevsky O. Izryadnova E. Ilyukhina S. Tsoukhlo L. Mikhailov L. Sycheva E. Timofeev N. Volovik N. Leonova Yu. Bobylev

Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives


In this Issue:

The economy and politics in May 2000
State of the federal budget
Monetary Policy
Financial Markets
Investment in capital assets
Foreign investment in the Russian economy
IET monthly trends survey: May 2000
Dynamics of GDP and the populace’s living standards
Structure of balance sheets of banks with the government participation in their capital as of April 1, 2000
Foreign trade
Forecast of international oil prices



Editor: S.Tsukhlo. tel. (095) 229-9391
Design: A. Astakhov

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