Post-communist Russia in the Post-industrial World: The Quest for Catching-up Policy

Publication date
Monday, 26.05.2003

V. Mau

Pos-Communist Economies. 2003. Vol. 15. N 3

The paper discusses the strategy of economic development of Russia, which has to be developed after the end of the first stage of post-communist transition – when private economy replaced the state-controlled one and stabilization has been obtained. Russia is considered as a heavy industrialized country, which has faced the challenges of post-industrial modernization in the logic of catching-up development. This makes it different from so called ‘new industrial states’ – countries that have to resolve the task of transformation of traditional (agrarian) society to industrial one. Analysis is based on the approaches of A.Gerschenkron to ‘accelerated industrialisation’ and their adjustment to post-industrial world. The author suggests a set of economic policy principles, which could ensure sustainable economic growth and stimulate structural reforms appropriate for the new challenges, that is to stimulate transformation of industrial country to post-industrial one. This is considered as a ‘policy of catching-up post-industrialization’.


1. Introduction
2. Catching-up development as a historical phenomenon
3. The complexities of analyzing the catching-up development in post-industrial world
4. The state’s role in addressing catching-up development
5. The outlines of post-industrial catching-up policy in post-communist Russia

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