Analysis of the impact on business and consumers of the implementation of the Public Not-for-Profit Organization Russian Environmental Operator proposals to introduce bans on certain types of goods and single-use packaging (Chemical Industry Promotion Fou
In December 2022, Gaidar Institute experts launched a research project on the impact of implementing the proposals of the Public Law Company “Russian Ecological Operator” to introduce bans on certain types of goods and single-use packaging on businesses and consumers under a contract with the Fund for Assistance to the Development of the Chemical Industry.
The study examined the list of single-use products and packaging proposed for prohibition, which affects production of straws, mixers, disposable cutlery; plastic coffee capsules; vegetable and fruit net bags; multi-component canning containers; composite aerosol packs; cotton buds; plastic liners, polystyrene foam egg cartons; plates, cups and lids for beverage cups made of PS, etc.
The result of the research is an assessment of the economic, technological and social consequences of the implementation of these bans, as well as an analysis of the possibility of creating new industries for the transition to alternatives.
The project was completed by mid-January 2023.
Tuesday, 07.02.2023