Gaidar Institute published a book “Economic policy in Russia. Turbulent decade 2008-2018”dedicated to the memory of Egor T. Gaidar.
This book proposed to readers is the fourth of a series of fundamental monographs published by  Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy examining the entire almost 30-year period of the post-communist development of the Russian economy. The previous three volumes prepared under the guidance and with direct involvement of Egor T.Gaidar were collectively called “Economics of Transition” and published in 1998, 2003 and 2008.  This book considers a period that can be characterized by two key concepts: the global crisis and slowdown of economic development. These circumstances determined the choice of this monograph’s title defining the period under study as the “Turbulent Decade, 2008–2018”.
The book examines major economic challenges and fundamentally important issues of the economic policy in 2008–2018, achievements, adaptation mechanisms as well as challenges and risks related to these years. It consists of the 6 following sections: growth political economy and institutions, monetary and budgetary policies, financial markets and financial institutions, the real sector, international economic relations, social sphere and human capital.
The book is for specialists involved in economic policy, teachers, post -graduates and students of economic universities.

Thursday, 25.06.2020