The Gaidar Readings in Ulan-Ude

Within the frameworks of the Readings, a plenary meeting - The Reform of the Russian Financial Sector and Development of Microfinancial Organizations in the Russian Federation - was held. In the course of the meeting, Y.M. Urinson, Deputy General Director of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies spoke about the role of Yegor Gaidar in the economic policy of Russia, V.A. Mau, Rector of the RANEPA touched upon the general challenges to the economy of the Russian Federation in the near decade, S.M. Drobyshevsky, Director of the Center for Macroeconomics and Finance of the Gaidar Institute dedicated his report to the reform of the financial sector and M.V. Mamuta, Director of the Russian Microfinance Center spoke about development of microfinancing in Russia. The speech of A.L. Vedev, Head of the Financial Research Department of the Gaidar Institute was dedicated to new niches for microfinancial entities on the financial market of the Russian Federation. S.N. Luchaninov, Vice President of Narodnaya Kazna Group of Companies spoke about utilization of the scheme of an option franchise for regional microfinancial entities as a socially responsible business.
The round table dedicated to the issues and prospects of development of microfinancial entities on the basis of the example of the Baikal Region was attended by T.G. Dumnova, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Buryatia, V.M. Baginova, Head of the Finance and Credit Department of the Institute for Economy and Law of the East Siberia State University of Technology and Management, Т.G. Romanova, Professor of the Finance and Credit Department of the Institute for Economy and Law of the East Siberia State University of Technology and Management, А.V. Таkhanova, Senior Instructor of the Finance and Credit Department of the Institute for Economy and Law of the East Siberia State University of Technology and Management, M.M. Yegorov, General Director of the Fund for Support of the Small Business in the Republic of Buryatia and V.B.-Ts. Darieva, General Director of OOO Diamed. S.M. Drobyshevsky, Director of the Center for Macroeconomics and Finance of the Gaidar Institute was a moderator of the meeting.