Russian industry in Q1 2013

Industrial production dynamics at the beginning of the current year was determined by the decline of economic growth, formed in H2 of 2012.

According to the results of Q1of 2013, the industry has reached the level of the relevant period of the preceding year. With the sustained trend of decline in the mining sector production and in the distribution of electricity, gas and water, processing industries demonstrated growth of 1.2% as compared with Q1 of 2012.

In March of this year, after a two-month downfall in industrial production in annual terms, positive dynamics is noted. Index of industrial production in March 2013, as compared with March of the previous year amounted to 102.6%, including that in manufacturing sector to103.4%. However, these indicators are lower than the indicators noted in March 2012.

In the current situation of Q1, an optimistic option of the industry development is to reach the level of 2012 performance.

O.I. Izyadnova, Head of Structural Policy Department 

Wednesday, 17.04.2013