Russian Industry in May 2003
In 2013, the trend of slowdown of growth rates by virtually all the lines of economic activities has intensified. An unfavorable situation is being formed in manufacturing. In May 2013, output of manufacturing industries amounted to 95.6% of the respective index of 2012.
It is to be noted that the largest drop is registered in the engineering complex which situation is determined by both low investment activity and weakening of domestic demand. A drop in output of cars and cargo vehicles by 18.1% and 13.7%, respectively, as compared to May 2012 had a negative effect on the dynamics of output in the iron-and steel complex and related industries.
Unsteady dynamics of the industry has been registered since the second half of 2012. A sudden slowdown of domestic output for the domestic market determined a change in the import pattern. In the 1st quarter of 2013, the share of the import of consumer goods increased with a drop in the unit weight of investment and intermediate goods.
О.I. Izryadnova, Head of the Structural Policy Department
Wednesday, 19.06.2013