Real accrued wages per worker go up

In the period between January and April of 2014, the household real disposable income accounted for 98.8% of the value seen in the same period of 2013. The measures aimed at implementing the Russian President's Executive Order of May 7, 2012, No. 597 On Measures to Implement State Social Policy for 2012 are still resulting in a faster growth in wages in education and healthcare and social services. In Q1 2014, the level of inequality slightly improved compared to that in Q1 2013.

The household nominal per capita money income in April 2014 stood at Rb 28320, increasing 8.9% above the value seen in April 2013. The household nominal per capita money income increased 15.8% compared to the value seen in March 2014.

The household real disposable money income in April 2014 increased 1.9% over the value seen in April 2013 and 16.3% over that in March 2014.
In Q1 2014, the household real disposable money income fell by 2.5% below the value seen in Q1 2013, and the income growth in April just slightly offset the recent developments, resulting in that the household real disposable money income in the period between January and April of 2014 accounted for 98.8% of the level seen during the same period of 2013, which is visibly below the 106.3% income ratio seen in the period between January and April of 2013 and 2012.

The slowdown in growth rates of the household real disposable income which began in H2 2013 and continued in the period between January and April of 2014, was determined largely by subdued economic growth rates.

Monthly average accrued wages per worker stood at Rb 32115 in April 2014, or 108.2% of the level seen in April 2013 (102% by March 2014). In the period between January and April of 2014, monthly average accrued wages per worker overtopped by 10.3% the value seen the corresponding period of the previous year.

Real accrued wages per worker in April 2014 overtopped by 1.1% the value seen in March 2014. Real accrued wages per worker saw an increase of 0.8% compared to the value seen in the corresponding period of the previous year. In the period between January and April 2014 real accrued wages overtopped by 3.4% the value seen in the corresponding period of the previous year.

The April increase in growth rates of the household real disposable money income above the values seen in the corresponding period of 2013 and a visible gap between growth rates in the household money income and monthly average accrued wages in April 2014 was associated with the long-lasting holidays in May 2014, according to Rosstat's experts. A part of the payments (quarterly bonuses, retirement benefits, monthly cash payments, other types of payments) due early in May 2014 were paid in April, which was supposed to slow down growth rates in the household money income in May 2014.

S. Misikhina, senior researcher.

Wednesday, 04.06.2014