Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (November 2019)

Publication date
Thursday, 05.11.2020

M. Turuntseva, E. Astafieva, M. Bayeva, A. Bozhechkova, A. Buzaev, T. Kiblitskaya, Yu. Ponomarev, A. Skrobotov

Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation

This paper presents calculations of various economic indicators for the Russian Federation in December 2019 to May 20201, which were performed using time series models developed as a result of research conducted by the Gaidar Institute over the past few years.

Introduction to all the issues 2
Industrial production and retail sales 3
Foreign trade indexes 5
Dynamics of prices 8
Monetary indexes 10
International reserves  11
Foreign exchange rates 11
The living standard indexes 12
Employment  and unemployment 13
Annex 14


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