Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Social and Economic Indices of the Russian Federation (October 2014)

Publication date
Tuesday, 23.12.2014
M.Turuntseva, E.Astafieva, M.Bayeva, A.Bozhechkova, A.Buzaev, T.Kiblitskaya, Yu.Ponomarev, A.Skrobotov
Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts of Russian Economic Time Series
This Bulletin presents calculations of values of different economic indices of the Russian Federation in November 2014 – April 2015 made on the basis on the time series models developed as a result of research carried out by the IEP in the past few years.
Introduction to all the issues 2
Industrial production and retail sales 5
Investments in capital assets 6
Foreign trade indices 6
Dynamics of prices 7
Monetary indices 11
International reserves 12
Foreign exchange rates 12
The standard of living indices 13
Employment and unemployment 14
Annex 16
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