Russian Economic Developments №3, 2014

Publication date
Wednesday, 26.03.2014
IEP composite author
Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives
The political and economic results of February 2014 (S.Zhavoronkov) - Inflation and monetary policy in January 2014 - Russia's financial market in february 2014 - The real sector of the economy in January 2014: factors and trends - Russian industry in January 2014 - Foreign trade in December 2013 - Russia's State budget in January 2014 - Russian banks in January 2014 - Mortgage in the Russian Federation in 2013 - The living standards of the population of the RF - All sound ideas about military reform deserve to be supported and further developed - Factors of change in the value added of the industrial sector in 2013 - A review of taxation regulatory documents issued in the period of January-February 2014
The political and economic results of February 2014 (S.Zhavoronkov) 2
Inflation and monetary policy in January 2014 (A.Bozhechkova) 5
Russia's financial market in february 2014 (N.Andrievsky, E.Khudko) 9
The real sector of the economy in January 2014: factors and trends (O.Izryadnova) 13
Russian industry in January 2014 (S.Tsukhlo) 16
Foreign trade in December 2013 (N.Volovik) 19
Russia's State budget in January 2014 (T.Tishchenko) 23
Russian banks in January 2014 (M.Khromov) 27
Mortgage in the Russian Federation in 2013 (G.Zadonsky) 31
The living standards of the population of the RF (S.Misikhina) 34
All sound ideas about military reform deserve to be supported
and further developed (V.Tsymbal) 37
Factors of change in the value added of the industrial sector in 2013 (E.Astafieva) 42
A review of taxation regulatory documents issued in the period
of January-February 2014 (L.Anisimova) 45