Socio-Economic Transformations in the CIS: Prospects and Challenges

Publication date
Monday, 13.09.2004
Stanley Fischer
International Conference "Transition in the CIS: Achievements and New Challenges", Moscow, September 13-14, 2004
One cannot speak in Russia at this time without thinking of the tragedies that have befallen your country and people in recent weeks as a result of terrorism. I would like to express my sympathy and that of my organization, Citigroup, to the victims and their families, who have suffered so much, and to the Russian people who have to contend with such events.
One cannot speak in Russia at this time without thinking of the tragedies that have befallen your country and people in recent weeks as a result of terrorism. I would like to express my sympathy and that of my organization, Citigroup, to the victims and their families, who have suffered so much, and to the Russian people who have to contend with such events.
Stanley Fischer,
Deputy-Chairman of CitiGroup International, President CitiGroup
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