Organizational innovation in Russian agriculture: the emergence of “New agricultural operators” and its consequences

Publication date
Tuesday, 14.09.2004

D. Rylko R. Jolly

International Conference "Transition in the CIS: Achievements and New Challenges", Moscow, September 13-14, 2004

During the 1990s Russian and FSU agriculture experienced dramatic decapitalization, downsizing and fragmentation. All the key indicators of agricultural efficiency and productivity have substantially deteriorated. According to the official concept, the organizational landscape of domestic agriculture is composed of three sectors ("orders"): collective farms that have undergone primary privatization, individual (family) farms, and subsistence plots. Due to many reasons, including insufficient structural reform policy, private farming did not take deep root in Russia. Collective farms and subsistence plots (that are closely linked and interdependent with collective farms) both account for the largest share in gross agricultural output (about 45 and 50%, respectively).



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Dmitri N. Rylko,
General Director, Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR),
Head of IMEMO Agribusiness Center, Moscow, Russia

Robert W. Jolly,
Professor of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA

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