Problems of interbudgetary relations in Russia
The press service of the Gaidar Institute reports that in the series "Scientific Works" there was prepared a new Institute's research (No. 159) "Problems of interbudgetary relations in Russia" (M: Publishing house of the Gaidar Institute 2012. - 84 p.). Authors: A. A. Mamedov, V. Nazarov, A.G. Siluanov, A.A. Alaev, A. A. Zarubin.
The work considers the possible directions of reforming the system of inter-budgetary relations between the Federation and Russia's regions. The authors formulate recommendations for the ordering of the anti-crisis measures of financial support to subnational budgets in the short term perspective which are used by the federal center, as well as suggestions for the adapting the system of the allocation of interbudgetary transfers to the cyclical economic development in the medium and long term. Also the work covers a number of issues that consider the reformation of the system of the interbudgetary relations, which are not connected directly with the federal anti-crisis policy.