Economics vs Art

Almanac of the Center for Economic Culture
Ed. By D. Kadochnikov, A. Pogrebnyak, D. Raskov. – M.; St. Petersburg: Gaidar Institute Press; Center for Economic Culture, 2024. – 360 p. – (Series “New economic thinking").
ISBN 978-5-93255-651-1
The collection “Economics vs Art” was prepared according to the results of the Free Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University on June 16–18, 2022 of the conference of the same name. The idea of the collection stems from the fact that, on the one hand, economists not only display, describe reality, but also rethink, evaluate it, and sometimes offer an alternative version of reality; the theoretical and economic understanding of reality applies to art, as the result of not only a creative impulse, but also economic activity. On the other hand, art, as a sphere endowed with a huge potential for the transformation of culture and everyday life, including their economic component, in its extreme manifestations, can postulate both a radical rejection of capitalist relations and an absolute merger with a system of economic exchange. Art denotes its own boundaries in dialogue with the economy and thereby reveals the symbolic nature of the economy. The authors and editors of the collection hope that the articles included in it will serve the further development of dialogue between representatives of social science disciplines and art.