Trade Unions, labor movements and Hegemony in Modern Russia

Maxim Kulaev
Moscow: Publishing House of the Gaidar Institute; St. Petersburg: Center of Economic Culture, 2023. - 504 p. – (Series "New Economic Thinking").
ISBN 978‑5‑93255‑652-8
Trade unions and labor movements played an important role in politics and were at the center of the liberation struggle around the world in the XIX and XX centuries. By the end of the 20th century, the decline of workers' organizations contributed to the general degradation of democracy and political participation. Without organizations, workers cannot stand up to governments and employers. Thus, the study of trade unions and labor movements remains relevant and necessary for understanding broad political processes.
This book explores Russian trade unions and labor movements from the point of view of Gramscian theory, examines the political history of Russian trade unions and labor movements, their organizational structures, methods and ideologies.