Kino & Kapital

Cinema and Capital
Under editing by A. Pogrebnyak and N. Savchenkova. – Moscow; Saint-Petersburg: Gaidar Institute Press; Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences SPbSU, 2019. – 512 p. – (New Economic Thinking).
ISBN 978-5-93255-545-3
The collection “Cinema and Capital” combined widely different texts under its cover. Among them, the reader will find academic statements, political pamphlets, metaphysical meditations, social studies, historical reviews, economic reconstructions, psychoanalytic interpretations.
With this in mind, they all use the concept of “capital” as a methodological lens, thereby including cinematic practices into various forms of a unique symbolic exchange. The reader of this book will not only get an idea of a number of aspects of the modern cine process, but will also be involved in the current problematics of humanitarian knowledge and feel responsibility for the contradictions of today's global world both at the level of “high” theory and in the field of daily life.