Presentation of New Monographs by the IET
On March 31, 2009, the IET held a PRESENTATION of new monographs.
The Economy in Transition. Essays on Economic Policy in the Post-Communist Russia (Economic Growth of 2000-2007)
The monograph is a result of a collective effort by the IET experts led by Dr. Ye. Gaidar. It continues the previously published in 1998 and 2003 monographs under the common title "The Economy of the Transitional Period". The monograph focuses on major trends in Russia's economic sdevelopment in 2000–2007.
The monograph is a result of a collective effort by the IET experts led by Dr. Ye. Gaidar. It continues the previously published in 1998 and 2003 monographs under the common title "The Economy of the Transitional Period". The monograph focuses on major trends in Russia's economic sdevelopment in 2000–2007.
The Financial Crisis in Russia and the World
The objective of the monograph is to recap the information on the dynamic of crisis developments, finding its certain logic, formulationof preliminary hypotheses on the nature of the ongoing crisis, interconnection of crisis developments in Russia and worldwide, and assessment of efficacy of anti-crisis measures undertaken by authorities in different countries.
At the event, prsentations were made by Dr. Ye. Gaidar, Dr. V. Starodubrovsky, Acad. R. Entov, and S. Drobyshevsky, PhD.