Starodubrovskaya Irina V.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher

Phone number: (495) 629-47-13

By Decree of April 25, 2012 of the President of the Russian Federation, Irina V. Starodubrovskaya was awarded the Order of Friendship for substantial contribution to development of the social and economic strategy of Russia till 2020 (the Stratagy-2020).


  • 1978–1983: The Economics Department of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (diploma: economist, lecturer in economics)
  • 1984–1986: postgraduate training at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Professional development

Certificate in Terrorism Studies. Key Issues in Terrorism and Political Violence Terrorist Ideologies, Aims, Beliefs and Motivations Radicalisation, Counter-Radicalisation and Deradicalisation The Phychology of Terrorism, University of St Andrews, 27.07.2021.

Foreign Languages

  • English – fluently

Work Experience

  • 1987–1991: The Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher;
  • 1991–1992: The Work Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation, Expert;
  • 1993–1996: The Moscow Representative Office of the World Bank, Economist;
  • 1996–2001: Non-Profit Fund of Restructuring of Enterprises and Development of Financial Institutions, from 1997 – Deputy General Director (an institutional component of the MBRD loan "assignment of the departmental housing fund"; 1999 – Head of Preparation of the Pilot Project of Social Restructuring of Far North Regions;
  • 2002–2006: the Institute for the Economy in Transition, Head of the Municipal Development Department;
  • 2007 – present day: The Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, Director of the Center for Political Economy and Regional Development;
  • 2016 – present day: RANEPA, Leading research fellow..

Professional Interests

  • social transformations (modernization, urbanization, revolutions) 
  • spatial development
  • intercultural communication
  • urban sociology
  • sociology of religion
  • radicalization processes, radical Islamic groups and movements


Monographs and Chapters in Monographs
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Ot monopolizma k konkurencii. - M.: Politizdat, 1990. – 172 s.
  • Mau V.A., Starodubrovskaya I.V. Velikie revolyucii: ot Kromvelya do Putina - M.: Vagrius, 2001. – 512 s.
  • V.A. Mau, I.V. Starodubrovskaya. The Challenge of Revolution. Contemporary Russia in the History of Revolutions. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • I. Starodubrovskaya. Housing and Utility Services // Russia's Post-Communist Economy. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Slavgorodskaya M., Glazychev V., Turuntseva M., Zuev S., Polevoy D., Lukyanova S., Zyryanov S., Khrustalev A., Fetisov A., Mironova N. CHelyabinskaya aglomeratsiya: potentsial razvitiya. – CHelyabinsk: Emanzhelinskaya gorodskaya tipografiya. – 2008. – 278 s.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Byudzhetirovanie, orientirovannoe na rezul'tat: podhody k vnedreniyu na regional'nom i mestnom urovne. – M.: IEPP, 2008. – 184 s.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V., Mironova N.I. Municipal'naya reforma v respublikah YUzhnogo federal'nogo okruga. Seriya "Nauchnye trudy" № 132R. – M.: IEPP, 2010. – 180 s.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V., Mironova N.I. Problemy sel'skogo razvitiya v usloviyah municipal'noj reformy v Rossii. Seriya "Nauchnye trudy" № 141R. – M.: Institut Gajdara, 2010. – 116 s.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Zubarevich N., Sokolov D., Intigrinova T., Mironova N., Magomedov H. Severnyj Kavkaz: modernizacionnyj vyzov / Pod red. I.V. Starodubrovskoj. – M.: Izdatel'skij dom "Delo" RANHiGS. – 2011. – 328 s.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Lobodanova D., Borisova L., Filyushina A. Strategii razvitiya staropromyshlennyh gorodov: mezhdunarodnyj opyt i perspektivy v Rossii / Pod red. I.V. Starodubrovskoj. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Institut Gajdara. – 2011. – 248 s.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. V., Zubarevich N.V., Nazarov V.S., Gorina E.A. Analiz regional'noj antikrizisnoj politiki. – M.: Izdetal'skij dom "Delo" RANHiGS. – 2012. – 344 s.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. V., Sokolov D.V. Istoki konfliktov na Severnom Kavkaze. – M.: Izdatel'skij dom "Delo" RANHiGS – 2013. – 280 s.
  • Markvart E.E., Kiseleva N.N., Starodubrovskaya I.V. Upravlenie prostranstvennymi izmeneniyami na regional'nom i municipal'nom urovnyah / Uchebnoe posobie. – M.: Izdatel'skij dom “Delo” RANHiGS. – 2018. – 282 s.
  • I. Starodubrovskaya. The North Caucasus // Russia: Strategy, Policy and Administration. 2017. P.65–73.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Opyt upravleniya mezhetnicheskimi (nacional'nymi) otnosheniyami v Astrahanskoj oblasti // Upravlenie mezhetnicheskimi i konfessional'nymi otnosheniyami: teoriya i praktika (gl. v uchebnike) / Pod red. I.V. Starodubrovskoj. – M.: Prospekt. – 2020. – S.238–262.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Protivodejstvie islamskoj radikalizacii molodezhi // Upravlenie mezhetnicheskimi i konfessional'nymi otnosheniyami: teoriya i praktika (gl. v uchebnike) / pod red. I.V Starodubrovskoj. – M.: Prospekt. – 2020. – S.189–214. 

Articles in academic journals

  • I. Starodubrovskaya. The Nature of Monopoly and Barriers to Entry in Russia // Communist Economies and Economic Transformation. – 1994. – Vol. 6, No.1. – P.3–18.
  • I. Starodubrovskaya. Financial-industrial Groups: Illusions and Reality // Communist Economies and Economic Transformation. – 1995. – vol. 7, No.1. – P.5–19.
  • Lev M. Freinkman, Irina Starodubrovskaya. Restructuring of Enterprise social Assets in Russia: Trends, Problems, Possible Solutions // Communist Economies and Economic Transformation. – 1996. – Vol. 8, No.4. – Р.437–469.
  • I. Starodubrovskaya, V. Mau. Economic Regularities of the Revolutionary Process // Social Science. – 1999. – Vol. 30.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Permskij paradoks (po motivam permskogo ekonomicheskogo foruma) // Ekonomicheskaya politika. – 2008. – №5. – S.32–45.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Sokolov D. Severnyj Kavkaz – terra incognita // Ekonomicheskaya politika. – 2010. – № 2. – S.65–68.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Siluanov A., Nazarov V. Metodologicheskie podhody k ocenke effektivnosti mezhbyudzhetnyh otnoshenij v sub"ektah Rossijskoj Federacii // Ekonomicheskaya politika. – 2011. – № 1. – S.5–22.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Neeffektivnye social'nye raskhody v kontekste prostranstvennoj politiki // Ekonomicheskaya politika. – 2011. – № 3. – S.25–29.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Mironova N. Kabardino-Balkariya: ekstremizm i zemel'nyj vopros // Mestnoe samoupravlenie. – 2011. – № 5.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Lekarstvo ot straha: kakaya politika mozhet snizit' konfliktnost' na Severnom Kavkaze // Ekonomicheskaya politika. – 2012. – № 2. – S.106–133.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Lobodanova D. Kreativnyj klass I kreativnyj gorod: rossijskoe prelomlenie // Ekonomicheskaya politika. – 2013. – № 5. – S.127–149.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. V. Predostavlenie social'nyh uslug na territoriyah intensivnoj depopulyacii: est' li reshenie? // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2013. – № 11. – S.89–111.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V., Kazenin K.I. Severokavzskie goroda: territoriya konfliktov // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2014. - № 6. – S.70–82.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Informal institutions and radical ideologies under institutional transformation // Russian Journal of Economics. – 2015. – Vol. 1, Issue 2. – P. 182-198. 
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Neformal'nye instituty i radikal'nye ideologii v usloviyah institucional'noj transformacii // Ekonomicheskaya politika. – 2015. – №3. – S.68–88.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. V. Kak borot'sya s radikalizmom molodezhi na Severnom Kavkaze? // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2015. – № 6. – S.84–96.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Mozhno li schitat' dzhihadistov racional'nymi aktorami? (na primere Dagestana) // Puti k miru i bezopasnosti. – 2017. – №1 (52). – S.91–105.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. V. Islamizm i modernizaciya: polemicheskie zametki // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2017. – №5. – S.134–146.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Varshaver E. Kto i pochemu v Dagestane opravdyvaet nasilie? Sravnitel'nyj analiz cennostnyh profilej dagestanskih islamskih religioznyh grupp // Gosudarstvo, religiya, Cerkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – T.35 №3. – S.202–233.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Islamskaya reformaciya: evristicheskaya cennost' podhoda // Gosudarstvo, religiya, cerkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – T.35, №3. – S.11–50.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Dzhemal' O., Pain E., Kuznecov V.A., Uzlaner D., YArlykapov A. Kruglyj stol: "CHto proiskhodit v sovremennom islamskom mire: popytka konceptualizacii" // Gosudarstvo, religiya, Cerkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – T.35, №3. – S.265–299.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Social Transformation and Intergenerational Conflict (the Case of the North Caucasus) // Social Sciences. – 2017. – Vol. 48, No.1. – P.91–105.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Islamic reformation: the value of a heuristic approach // State, Religion and Church. – 2018. – Т. 5, No.1. P.4–34.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Jemal O., Pain E., Kuznetsov V., Uzlaner D., Yarlykapov A. Round table: what is happening in the Islamic world? An attempt at a conceptualization // State, Religion and Church. – 2018. – Т.5, No.1. P.107–138.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. V. Mezhpokolencheskie otnosheniya i social'nye transformacii na primere Severnogo Kavkaza // Sociologiya vlasti. – 2019. – T.31, №1. – S.92–113.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Krizis tradicionnoj severokavkazskoj sem'i v postsovetskij period i ego social'nye posledstviya // ZHurnal issledovanij social'noj politiki. – 2019. – T. 17, №1. – S.39–56.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Drama modernizacionnoj teorii. Stat'ya 1. Modernizaciya kak recept i kak problema // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2019. – №1. – S.156–168.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Drama modernizacionnoj teorii. Stat'ya 2. Posle krizisa: razvilki i tupiki sovremennoj modernizacionnoj teorii // Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2019. – №2. – S.170–181.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Religiozno motivirovannoe nasilie v Kabardino-Balkarii i Karachaevo-CHerkesii: v chem prichina razlichij? // Kavkazskij sbornik / Pod red. V.V. Degoeva. – M.: 2020. – S.341–360.
  • Irina V. Starodubrovskaya. Islamic Conflict and violence in local communities: lessons from the north Caucasus // Perspectives on Terrorism. – 2020. – Т.14, No.2. – Р.80–92.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Evropa i musul'mane: obosnovanie al'ternativnyh variantov politiki // Gosudarstvo, religiya, cerkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2021. – №1(39). – S.146–174.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Brilev D., Muhetdinov D., Deminceva E., YArlykapov A., Huhlaev O., Pavlova O. Kruglyj stol. Franciya protiv «separatizma» i «paralell'nyh obshchestv»: novaya politika v otnoshenii musul'man, ee vozmozhnye posledstviya i al'ternativy // Gosudarstvo, religiya, Cerkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2021. – T. 9, №1. – S.212–244.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Kazenin K., Sitkevich D. Severnyj Kavkaz: vybor strategicheskih orientirov // Ekonomicheskaya politika. – 2021. – №3. – S.112–137.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Perspektivy i ugrozy radikalizacii i bor'by s nej. Ereticheskie mysli. Po motivam raboty d-ra Arne Zajferta // Vostochnyj kur'er. – 2021. – №1–2. – S.93–105.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. V. Dvulikij YAnus radikalizacii. Ereticheskie mysli. Po motivam raboty d-ra Arne Zajferta // Vostochnyj kur'er. – 2021. – Vypusk №3–4. – S.95–108.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. (2021) Research of “Closed Communities”: Notes on My Own and Others’ Experience // Sociology of Power.- Vol 33 (3). – p. 78-108. doi: 10.22394/2074-0492-2021-3-78-108
  • Kazenin K. I., Starodubrovskaya I. V. (2021) Daghestanian Migrants in Astrakhan: A Study of Integration Processes. Monitoring  of  Public  Opinion:  Economic and Social  Changes. No. 4. P. 405–428. https:// (In Russ.)
  • Irina V. Starodubrovskaya. Understanding Islamic Radicalization. How the North Caucasian Field Research Can Enrich Theory // Russia in Global Affairs. – 2022. – Vol 20, No.1. – January-March. – DOI 10.31278/1810-6374-2022-20-1-185-208
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V, Sitkevich D.A. Strategiya razvitiya Severnogo Kavkaza: osnovnye vyzovy // Ekonomicheskaya politika. – 2022. – T.17, №3. – S.74–97.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V., Sitkevich D.A. Kratko- i dolgosrochnye posledstviya sankcij: opyt Irana i YUgoslavii // Voprosy teoreticheskoj ekonomiki. – 2022. – №3(16). – S.77–98.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Radikalizaciya i konflikt (na primere Severnogo Kavkaza) // Sociodigger. – 2022. – T.3, №7(19). – S.37–44.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. (2022) Family Relations Among Islamic Fundamentalists: Archaicization or Modernization? // Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov’ v Rossii I za rubezhom. 40(4)/ - P. 163-185.
  • Polyakov S.I., Sitkevich D.A., Starodubrovskaya I.V. (2023) Model of Migrant Adaptation Through the Sports Community: The case of North Caucasian Migrants in St. Petersburg // Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No 5. P. 177-201. (In Russian).
  • Starodubrovskaya I., & Sitkevich D. (2023) North Caucasian migrants in St. Petersburg: distinctive features of adaptation in a metropolis // Demographic Review, 10(3). – P. 43-61

Academic reports, reviews, publications in the media

  • Nu pochemu Rossiya ne Gonolulu. Recenziya na knigu A.P. Parsheva “Pochemu Rossiya ne Amerika?”. – 2002.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Skazka o halifate i prava o terrorizme// 21.11.2013.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Kaznit' nel'zya pomilovat' // 25.12.2013.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Kazenin K. Zapros na modernizaciyu v severokavkazskom obshchestve sohranyaetsya i dazhe krepnet // 14.01.2014.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Kazenin K. Severnyj Kavkaz: quo vadis (kuda idesh')? // 14.01.2014.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Stolknovenie civilizacij: shpargalka dlya intellektuala // 24.01.2015.
  • Starodubrovskaya I. Severnyj Kavkaz: istoki nestabil'nosti // 05.04.2015.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Kazenin K. Severnyj Kavkaz i sovremennaya model' demokraticheskogo razvitiya // 01.04.2016.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Varshaver E., Lazarev E. Cennosti dagestanskih musul'man: chto pokazal opros // Kavkazskij uzel. 21.11.2016.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Sitkevich D. Cennosti vajnahov – musul'man: rezul'taty oprosa // Kavkazskij uzel. 27.12.2018.
  • Starodubrovskaya I., Kazenin K. Granica vremen. Kak protesty menyayut ingushskoe obshchestvo // 28.03.2019.
  • Starodubrovskaya I.V. Slajdy o revolyucii // Rossiya v global'noj ekonomike. – Fond issledovanij mirovoj politiki. M. – T.18, №6. – 2020. – S. 214–218.

Participation in Projects

  • Analysis of the outputs of the tax reform and development of proposals on continuation of it (project under the USAID grant, 2003); 
  • Restructuring of the public sector and ensuring of higher efficiency of expenditures of regional and local budgets (within the frameworks of the project "Technical Assistance to the Reform of the Budget System on the Regional Level" together with the Fund for Restructuring of Enterprises, 2004–2006); 
  • Organization of local government in cities of federal importance (the project under the USAID grant, 2004); 
  • Local government restructuring issues: structural and financial aspects (CEPRA, 2003–2004); 
  • Development of the instruction aid on municipal governance for senior officers of local government authorities of settlements (the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2005); 
  • Municipal Reform Monitoring (CEPRA, 2005–2006); 
  • The regional specifics of implementation of the municipal reform in conditions of a transition period (CEPRA, 2006); 
  • The Project "Analysis of Financial Aspects of Realization of the Local Government Reform" (The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, 2006–2007); 
  • Monitoring of administrative reform measures carried out in the Perm Territory (Administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory, 2007); 
  • Implementation of the local government reform in the Khabarovsk Territory (the project under the USAID grant, 2008); 
  • Technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in the field of inter-budgetary relations (the Fund for Restructuring of Enterprises and Development of Financial Institutions, 2007).