Sokolov Ilya A.
- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher
Phone number: (495) 629-47-13
E-mail: sokolov@ieр.ru
Participation in Projects and Conferences
E-mail: sokolov@ieр.ru
- Specialty 08.00.05 - "Economics and Management of National Economy", academic degree was conferred on 16 November 2001 by the Dissertation
- Council of the Russian Economic Academy (Plekhanov). Diploma КТ №065243 of 15 February 2002. Thesis title: “The Investment Aspect for Ensuring a Sustainable Growth of National Economy”;
- 1994–1998 – Russian Economic Academy (Plekhanov), diploma with honors;
- Department: Finance, Banking and Insurance Institute Specialty: Finance and Credit Qualification: Economist;
- 1999–2005 – State University of the Use of Land, diploma with honors. Department: Law. Specialty: Law. Qualification: Lawyer
Sphere of research interests
- Restructuring of the system of budget organizations, raising incentives for more efficient use of public funds
- Raising efficiency of the system of state (municipal) procurements
- Structural and investment policy of the state. Institute of development. Development of public-private partnerships.
- Improvement of the budgetary process
- Improvement of the performance base budgeting system
- Comprehensive analysis of socio-economic development of the country and regions. Programs, concepts of socio-economic development.
Work record
- 06.1997–02.1998: Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Promtorgbank”, Expert on stock market operations
- 10.2000–05.2003: Losinoostrovsky Eletrotechnical factory of the Ministry of Railways, planning economist
- 06.2003–01.2004: Losinoostrovsky Eletrotechnical factory of the Ministry of Railways, Head of marketing department
- 04.2002–02.2004: Institute of Market Problems of RAS, research fellow, Strategic issues of market economy development department
- 02.2004–06.2005: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Docent, Department of “Economic Policy”
- 12.2004–12.2009: Russian State Humanitarian University, Docent
- 07.2005 – present time: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy (prior to July 2010 Institute for the Economy in Transition), Head of Budget Policy Department, Leading Researcher of the Center for Macroeconomics and Finance
- 03.2007 – present time: Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Center for Macroeconomic Studies of the Institute of Applied Economic Studies
- English – fluent
Participation in Projects and Conferences
- “Economic Prospects of Structural Reform In the Railway Sector, which Is Implemented in the Framework of a Unified Concept of the Market Economy in Russia”, 2003.
- “Analysis Implementation Feasibility of International Standard SNS 1993 Regarding How to Account Transport Margins in Input-Output Balance and Table ‘Input-Output’ Depending on Prices for Assessment of the Needs of the National Economy and Efficiency of Investments in the Development of the Road Sector”, customer – the RF Ministry of Transport, , 2003-2004.
- “State Policy in the Sphere of Regulation of the Tobacco Products Market and Excise Taxation of Tobacco Products: Analysis of Problems and Prospects of the Reform”, customer – BAT Russia, 2005.
- “Development of the Normative and Legislative Base for the Functioning of the RF Investment Fund”, customer – the RF Ministry of Economic Development, 2005.
- “Development of the List of Regions of the Russian Federation, which Are Feasible for Creation of Special Economic Zones”, customer – the RF Ministry of Economic Development, 2005.
- “Development of the Information System Provided for Drafting and Implementation of Reports on the Outcome and Principal Directions of Performance of the Subjects of Budgetary Planning and Consolidated report”, customer – the RF Ministry of Economic Development, 2006.
- “Assessment and Analysis of Trends of the Performance of Budgetary Expenses of the RF Ministry of Transport as a Subject of Budgetary Planning in 2003-2005 and Development of Measures Directed at Its Perfection”, customer – the RF Ministry of Transport, 2006.
- “Budgetary Reform in the Russian Federation: System of Targets, Tasks and Indicators of the Federal Executive Bodies Performance and Executive Bodies of the Subjects of the Russian Federation for Strategic and Budgetary Planning”, customer – the RF Ministry of Economic Development, 2006.
- “Feasibility Study for the Location of Special Economic Zones of Industrial Type in the Far East”, customer – the RF Ministry of Economic Development, 2006 г.
- “Analysis and Development of Tax Legislation and Tax Policy”, customer – the RF Ministry of Finance, 2007.
- “Analysis of the Level for Meeting the Targets by the RF Government in 2007 and Recommendations on Raising Efficiency of the Subjects of Budgetary Planning in the Framework of Achieving the Goals of Socio-economic Development of the Russian Federation”, customer – the RF Ministry of Economic Development, 2007.
- “Development of Socio-Economic Development Strategy for Kostroma oblast through 2030”, customer – Administration of Kostroma oblast, 2007.
- “Development of the Concept for the Development of a Comprehensive Assessment of State Regulation Measures on the Objects of Regulatory Impact during the Preparation of Drafts of Normative and Regulatory Acts and Development of Recommendations for the Creation of the Information System of Assessment of Regulatory Impact in Sectoral and Regional Cross-Sections within the Formation of Requirements for the Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Public Administration”, customer – the RF Ministry of Economic Development, 2007.
- “Monitoring the Implementation of National Projects in the Spheres of Education, Public Health, Housing and Agricultural”, customer – the RF Ministry of Economic Development, 2006.
- “Comparative Analysis of Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Monitoring Indices of the Economic Performance in Industry and Energy Sector on the Basis of International and Russian Experience”, the RF Ministry of Industry and Energy, 2007.
- “Analysis of the Revenue Basis of Regional Budget of the Kostroma oblast with the Aim of Revealing Potential Growth of Tax and Non-Growth and Determination of Ways of their Mobilization to the Budget”, customer – Finance Department of Kostroma oblast, 2008.
- “Raising Performance of Public Administration and Public Services Delivery”, customer - the RF Agency of Air Navigation, 2008.
- “Efficiency Assessment of the Programs and Program Implementation of Federal Executive Bodies from the Point of View of the Achievement of Objectives of Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation”, customer – the RF Ministry of Economic Development, 2008.
- “Assessment of Needs for Training of Civil Servants of the Russian Federation in the Sphere of Results Based Management”, customer – World Bank, 2009.
- “Analysis of International and National Investment Market of GCHP Projects”, customer “Troika-Gialog”, 2009.
- “Modernization of Budgetary System of the Russian Federation”, customer – Expert Council under the Government Commission on Raising Russian Economy Sustainability, 2009.
- “Experience of the Implementation of Programs of Small and Medium Business Support Infrastructure (business incubators, technological clusters, guarantee funds, etc.) Based on the Principles of Public-Private Partnerships in Western and Eastern Europe”, customer – JSC “Russian Development Bank”, 2009.
- ‘Development of Approaches to the Assessment of the RF Federal Executive Bodies Performance”, customer – World Bank, 2009.
- “Analysis of VAT Administration in OECD Countries and Russia and Substantiation of Ways for Reforming Russian Tax Administration”, customer - USAID, 2009.
- “Analysis of Current Tax Exemptions and Regimes in the Sphere of R&D, Expansion of Intellectual Activity Results and Any Other Forms of Innovations with the Assessment of their Efficiency”, customer – “Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies”, 2009.
- “Assessment of Public Expenditures Impact of the Quality of Education in the Russian Federation”, customer – USAID, 2010.
- “Efficiency Improvement of Funds Management in the Sphere of Physical Culture and Sport”, customer –the RF Government, 2010.
- Seminar: “Reform of Public Investment on Regional (Municipal) Level”, World Bank Project, city of Vologda, 30-31 May 2006.
- Seminar: “Reform of Public Investment on Regional (Municipal) Level”, World Bank Project, city of Cheboksary, 2 October 2006.
- Conference: “Wind of Change: Impact of Globalization on Europe and Asia” held by CASE, Kiev, 22–25 March 2007.
- Conference “Challenges of History: From Consensus to Crisis”, held by CASE, Warsaw, 20-21 November 2009.
- Vliyanie gosudarstvennykh raskhodov na kachestvo obrazovaniya v Rossii. Seriya "Nauchnye trudy" № 152 / Soavt.: A. Knobel , Sokolov, E. KHud'ko / Pod red. S.G. Sinel'nikova-Muryleva. M.: Izdatel'stvo In-ta Gajdara, 2011. 164 p.
- National budget // Russian economy in 2010. Trends and outlooks (Issue 32) / Co-authors: I. Sokolov, T. Tischenko/ Ed. Board: S. Sinelnikov-Mourylev (editor-in-chief), А. Radygin, N. Glavatskaya. M.: Gaidar Institute Publishers, 2011. 544 p.
- Kachestvo administrirovaniya naloga na dobavlennuyu stoimost' v stranakh OESR i Rossii // Prikladnaya Ekonometrika, 2011, № 1 (21). S. 16-34 / Soavt.: A.Yu. Knobel', S.G. Sinel'nikov-Murylev. [In Russian only]
- Evolyutsiya byudzhetnoy politiki Rossii v 2000-ye gody: v poiskakh finansovoy ustoychivosti natsional'noy byudzhetnoy sistemy / Soavt.: S. Drobyshevskiy, S. Sinel'nikov-Murylev // Zhurnal «Voprosy ekonomiki» № 1, 2011. S. 4-25. [In Russian only]
- Iskusstvo sokrashchat' raskhody // Zhurnal «Pryamyye investitsii» № 7, 2010. [In Russian only]
- Kachestvo administrirovaniya NDS v stranakh OESR i Rossii. Reformirovaniye rossiyskoy sistemy vzimaniya naloga (Nauchnyye trudy № 134) / Soavt.: M.A. Kazakova, A.Yu. Knobel'; pod red. d.e.n. Sinel'nikova-Muryleva S.G. M.: IEPP, 2010. 128 s. [In Russian only]
- The State Budget // Russian economy in 2009. Trends and outlooks (Issue 31) / Co-authors.: M. Kazakova, V. Nazarov. - M.: IET, 2010. 652 p.
- Novovvedeniya v byudzhetnom protsesse. Gosudarstvennyy byudzhet na 2009 g. // Sovremennaya ekonomika Rossii: spravochnyye i analiticheskiye materialy / Soavt.: N. Burkova, N. Volovik, S. Zhavoronkov i dr. / Nauchn. red. YE. Gaydar. - M.: Prospekt, 2009. [In Russian only]
- Povysheniye effektivnosti byudzhetnykh raskhodov: Podkhody k restrukturizatsii sistemy byudzhetnykh uchrezhdeniy // Mirovoy finansovyy krizis: Istoricheskiye paralleli i puti vykhoda / Soavt: P.A. Kadochnikov, S.G. Sinel'nikov-Murylev / Pod red. YE. Gaydara, V. Mau. - M.: Al'pina Pablisherz, 2009. Seriya "Skolkovo". [In Russian only]
- Gosudarstvennyy byudzhet // Mirovoy finansovyy krizis: Istoricheskiye paralleli i puti vykhoda / Soavt.: YE. Fomina / Pod red. YE. Gaydara, V. Mau. - M.: Al'pina Pablisherz, 2009. Seriya "Skolkovo". [In Russian only]
- The excise duties on beer go up – an assesment of the possible consequences // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives - October 2009 . – M.: IET, 2009.
- Federal budget // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives - August 2009 / Co-author: Ye. Fomina. – M.: IET, 2009.
- State Budget // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives - July 2009 / Co-author: Ye. Fomina. – M.: IET, 2009.
- State budget // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives - June 2009 / Co-author: Ye. Fomina. – M.: IET, 2009.
- On position of small-scale enterprises in 2008 // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives - April 2009 / Co-author: O. Izryadnova. – M.: IET, 2009.
- The budgetary and tax policy // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives - March 2009 / Co-author: O. Kirillov. – M.: IET, 2009.
- The State Budget // Russian economy in 2008. Trends and outlooks (Issue 30) / Co-authors: M. Kazakova, V. Nazarov. - M.: IET, 2009.
- The crisis will test the financial stability of Russia’s budget already in the nearest future // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives December 2008. – M.: IET, 2009.
- Issledovaniye osnovnykh tendentsiy razvitiya sistemy kosvennogo nalogooblozheniya v Rossii v 2000-2007 gg. / Soavt.: S. Sinel'nikov-Murylev, I. Trunin. - M. : IEPP, 2008. [In Russian only]
- Byudzhetnaya politika i sostoyaniye finansovoy sistemy // Ekonomika perekhodnogo perioda. Ocherki ekonomicheskoy politiki postkommunisticheskoy Rossii. Ekonomicheskiy rost 2000-2007 / Soavt.: P. Kadochnikov, V. Nazarov, S. Sinel'nikov-Murylev, I. Trunin i dr. - M.: Izdatel'stvo "Delo" ANKH, 2008. [In Russian only]
- Investment Fund of the Russian Federation and Its New Operational Procedures // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives March 2008. – M.: IET, 2008.
- State Budget // Russian economy in 2007. Trends and outlooks (Issue 29) / Co-authors: S. Drobyshevskiy, M. Kazakova. - M.: IET, 2008.
- Results of Special Economic Zones Operation in 2007 // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives December 2007 . - M.: IET, 2007.
- Analiz osnovnykh kharakteristik federal'nogo byudzheta na 2008 god i na period do 2010 goda // Ekonomiko-politicheskaya situatsiya v Rossii v maye 2007 goda. – M.: IEPP, 2007.
- The Characteristic Features of the Development of Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation // Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives January 2007. - M.: IET, 2007.
- The Problems and Prospects of Applying Performance-Based Budgeting (PBB) in Russia // Russian economy in 2006. Trends and Perspectives (Issue 28). – M.: IET, 2007.
- Byudzhetnaya politika: Bol'shiye manevry // Vedomosti, 19.06.2007, №110 (1884). [In Russian only]
- Establishment of Special Economic Zones and their Prospects for Creation of Motivation to Speed-Up Social and Economic Development of Russia (Annex 4) // Russian economy in 2005. Trends and Perspectives (Issue 27). – M.: IET, 2006.
- Investitsionnyye perspektivy ustoychivogo ekonomicheskogo rosta v Rossii // Informatsionno-analiticheskiy zhurnal «Obozrevatel'-Observer», 2004.
- Tezisy v Plekhanovskikh chteniyakh «Spetsifika investitsionnogo klimata v Rossii». - M.: Izd-vo Ros. ekon. akad., 2001. [In Russian only]
- Mezhdunarodnyye ekonomicheskiye organizatsii i investitsionnyy klimat v Rossii // Informatsionno-analiticheskiy zhurnal «Obozrevatel'-Observer», 1998.
- Avtoritarnaya politika de Gollya // Informatsionno-analiticheskiy zhurnal «Obozrevatel'-Observer», 1997.