Natalia Kornienko, Head of the Tax System Development Department of  Gaidar Institute, gave an interview to “Radio Russia” dedicated to creation of a single federal data information register on the Russian population. 
According to the draft law under discussion, the information register will contain particular information about the individual: full name, date and place of birth, gender, SNILS, TIN, citizenship and marital status. It is expected that the Federal Tax Service will monitor this resource based on available data, as well as data provided by collaborating services.
This system will help to combat law infringements and allow increasing fiscal performances to the Russian Federation budget.
“The draft law on creation of a single information register on population was submitted for consideration by the State Duma in July 2019. Since then, it passed the second reading, was updated and currently, it is under discussion. This issue is actually devoted to the federal information resource, since, currently the exchange of data on an individual is taking place in accordance with interdepartmental agreements. To date, the tax service possesses information about individuals due to the federal resource. The new project will allow to legally manage this information, use and provide data to other departments, according to their official requests.
When information on individuals has been collected and systematized into a group, taking into account the identifier, it will be also possible to retrieve data on the entire family. To date, this information is available to the tax service due to interaction with the registry office, that is why, it is not surprising that it is the Federal Tax Service that will monitor this resource. In fact, it is already performing this work and the new draft law is just a supplemented activity to the ongoing actions. In my opinion, this is a step into the future, towards information resources, personal data, which is the talk of the town now. Our legislation is not adequately developed in that respect, it lacks context.
Supposing that information data is actively used in foreign countries, however, liabilities exist there for public sector employees. Please note: this resource is intended for use not only by state, but also by municipal bodies of local administration. A huge share of responsibility lies with all officials in their relationship with a particular individual.
However, certain issues of the draft law, related in particular to the roots of kinship, have been referred to the consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation, which should specify some points. In this regard, we can only contemplate based on the data that we currently possess. This applies to family members whom you are married to, your children and parents. I think that this will be the first level of a descending and ascending degree of kinship in the register. No one will need to clarify the family ties to the seventh generation, but I do not exclude that this data may be required later. The specific context can not be identified in this section, we will be looking for it in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation”
Natalia Kornienko has also noted that presently the tax service possesses information on all sources of households’ incomes. It is not that difficult to find out the amount of the household income while it is challenging to do it legally. For this purpose, the federal resource is needed”.
The expert of the Gaidar Institute concluded: “The new draft law does not suggest any additional strengthening of the tax body overseeing function. It will act only to the extent designated by the draft law”.

Wednesday, 22.04.2020