
May 19-21, 2004 - head of the laboratory of the problems of fiscal federalism and sub-national Finance, IET I.V. Trunin made the trip in Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan) for participation in the conference organized by the World Bank Institute «Local administrations: strengthening accountability and responsibility». At the conference I.V. Trunin presented the report "Experience of fiscal decentralization in Russia", which aroused great interest among Kazakh politicians and experts, since currently fiscal decentralization is one of the main objectives of fiscal reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition to participation in conference meetings were held with senior economist of the World Bank (PREM) Pedro Rodriguez, a leading economist of the world Bank Institute Anwar Shah, Director of Public Policy Research Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan Meruert Makhmutova, Lead World Bank public sector management specialist for Europe and Central Asia Willian Dillinger. During the meetings the participants discussed opportunities of the IET's cooperation with international financial organizations, non-governmental organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of assistance to conducting the economic reform.