“Gorky” website published an abstract from a new book by David Motadel, European historian, “Islam and Nazi’s Germany War (1939–1945)” issued recently by Publishing house of Gaidar Institute.
During the decisive stage of World War II, German troops fought in such distant regions as Sahara and  Caucasus, territories inhabited mainly by Muslims. Nazis considered Islam an important force, an ally in their fight against common enemies: British Empire, Soviet Union and Jews. This book is the first comprehensive description of Berlin's attempts to mobilize Islamic world.
Based on archival research conducted on three continents, historian David Motadel shows how German authorities tried to present the Third Reich as the patron saint of Islam. He examines politics and Berlin propaganda in military zones populated by Muslims and extensive work that authorities carried out to attract and ideologically brainwash tens of thousands of volunteers who fought in Wehrmacht and SS. The book shows how World War II strongly affected Muslims around the world. Motadel’s work offers a new look at religious politics during the most bloody conflict of the 20th century.
Abstract published by “Gorky” website describes how Germans used persecution of Muslims in the USSR to win over the inhabitants of Caucasus.

Wednesday, 29.01.2020