Irina Starodubrovskaya delivered a presentation at the Dagestan State University
A workshop ”Global and regional economy” was held at the Faculty of Economy of the Dagestan State University (DSU) on April 19 in the course of April scientific session.
Irina Starodubrovskaya, Director of the Center for Political Economy and Regional Development of Gaidar Institute, Federal expert on elaboration of strategy of socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan till 2035,delivered a key presentation “Spatial development of Dagestan: issues and prospects of development”. The expert spoke on the evolution of theories of spatial development, territorial and urban marketing, focused on key issues of Republican development and determined her vision of prospects of spatial development of Dagestan.
High executives of the university, students and teachers took part in the workshop.

High executives of the university, students and teachers took part in the workshop.

Wednesday, 24.04.2019