End of Gaidar Forum – 2011
Gaidar Institute hosted the fourth day of Gaidar Forum.
On the day of the 55 anniversary of Egor Gaidar the memorial plaque in his honor was unveiled on the building of the Institute in Gazetny Lane, where Egor Gaidar worked fr om 1993 to 2009.
Then there was the closure of Gaidar Forum – 2011. Opening the plenary session rector of the Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Vladimir Mau, said that the Gaidar Forum became a real feature of political life of Russia. The closing session of the forum, which took place on the day of Egor Gaidar birthday was dedicated to his scientific legacy.
Rector of Russian Economic School, Sergey Guriev, earlier on wrote in a journal “Pro and Contra” a review on Gaidar’s book “Collapse of an Empire”. In his opinion, the book’s main asset consists in the fact that the collapse of the Russian Empire, in comparison with the collapse of other empires, is demonstrated "in the context of a long time”, and it is proved that the Soviet Union's demise was not accidental.
Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, rector of the All-Russia Academy of Foreign Trade under the RF Ministry of the Economic Development, underlined the importance of the book “A Long Time” by stressing the fact that Gaidar tried to point out paramount importance for constructing relations with the countries, which formed part of the USSR.
Sergey Vasiliev, member of the Board and Deputy Chairman of the Vnesheconombank, spoke about the research done by Egor Gaidar of the relations between the government and business in his books “State and Evolution”, “A Long Time” and “Power and Property”.
Marek Dabrowski, Director of the Center of Socio-Economic Studies, noted twofold importance of Egor Gaidar – as an economist and a politician. There is nothing unusual in the fact that a scientist turned to politics, he said, many members of this generation made the transition fr om science to politics, and to business. But in contrast to many, Gaidar returned to science. And it is difficult to determine, which subsector of economics represented Egor Gaidar. This is the history of socio-economic development, political economy of reforms, macroeconomics, and joining of power and property.
Victor Yaroshenko, editor in chief of the journal Bulletin of Europe, whose member of the Editorial Board for a long time was Egor Gaidar, stressed a high level of anticipation that featured Gaidar. Already in his book “State and Evolution” (1996), he warned of the possibility of incredible threats, if there is joining of power and property.
According to Andrey Zaostrovtsev, leading research fellow of the Center for Modernization Studies, European University, St. Petersburg, Egor Gaidar was an economist of the “new institutional economic history.”
By stressing the role of Gaidar as a reformer, outstanding economist and creator of an economic school based in the Institute for Economic Policy, academician Abel Aganbegian focused on the fundamental, in his opinion, book “Along Time”. By mentioning its second title: “Russia and the World”, Aganbegian stressed that he considers this publication as a sort of political and economic will of Egor Gaidar.
Academic supervisor of the Center for Modernization Studies, European University, St. Petersburg, Dmitry Travin, talked about Gaidar as three persons Gaidar - a reformer, a politician, and a prominent economist, as well as about the reforms that he implemented in Russia and how the were treated in his works.
Sergey Dubinin, member of the Board of “VTB Capital” focused on the methodology of the publication “A Long Time”. According to him, Gaidar linked current issues with “a prospect to the past and a forecast to the future.”
Andrey Nechaev, President of the Bank “Russian Financial Corporation” considers the merit of Egor Gaidar as an economist and organizer in the fact that he managed to create a reform model and implemented it.
Vladimir Gelman, a professor of the Center for Modernization Studies, European University, St. Petersburg, spoke about a political legacy of Egor Gaidar.
Leonid Lopatnikov, the eldest staff member of the Institute, who for many years worked together with Egor Gaidar and who edited his books, briefed that Gaidar Institute was going to publish a collection of essays of Egor Gaidar. Concluding his speech, he called for an end to judge Gaidar by his actions, and consider wh ere his was right and wh ere his was wrong. According to him, Egor Timurovich did what he had to do in those circumstances.
Jubilee events dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Egor Gaidar ended with an evening in his memoriam in the theater “School of Modern Play”.
Saturday, 19.03.2011