Economy in Transition. Overviews of Economic Policy in Postcommunist Russia (Economic Growth of 2000-2007) (press-release)

The IET’s press-office informs that a new book by the Institute “ Economy in Transition. Overviews of Economic Policy in Postcommunist Russia (Economic Growth of 2000-2007)” was prepared and published (Moscow, Publishing House Delo, Academy of National Economy, 2008 – 1328 p.)
Edited by Ye. Gaidar, A. Radygin, K. Rogov, S. Sinelnikov-Murylev, V. Starodubrovsky, L. Freinkman.
Authors’ leader – Ye. Gaidar.
Authors: introduction – V. Mau; chapter 1 – V. Mau; chapter 2 – K. Rogov; chapter 3 – A. Radygin; chapter 4 – M. Dambrovsky; chapter 5: 5.1 – I. Sokolov, 5.2 – M. Kazakova, 5.3 – I. Sokolov; chapter 6 – P. Trunin; chapter 7 – P. Kadochnikov, V. Nazarov, S. Sinelnikov-Murylev, I. Sokolov, I. Trunin; chapter 8 – P. Kadochnikov, V. Nazarov, A. Siluanov; chapter 9 – G. Malginov, A. Radygin; chapter 10 – A. Radygin; chapter 11 – Yu. Simachev, M. Kuzyk; chapter 12 – A. Radygin, N. Shmeleva; chapter 13 – E. Apevalova, A. Radygin; chapter 14 – A. Abramov; chapter 15 – E. Apevalova, P. Drobyshev; appendix to chapter 15 – T. Kiblitskaya; chapter 16: 16.1 – E. Ivankina, G. Malginov, 16.2 – E. Apevalova, 16.3 – G.Malginov, G. Sternik; chapter 17 – O. Izryadnova; chapter 18: 18.1, 18.2.2, 18.2.3, 18.3 – O. Izryadnova, 18.2.1 – Yu. Bobylev; chapter 19 – S. Tsukhlo; chapter 20 – O. Izryadnova; chapter 21 – O. Shik; chapter 22 – S. Zhavoronkov, V. Novikov; chapter 23 – I. Dezhina; chapter 24 – N. Volovik, A. Pakhomov, S. Prihodko; chapter 25 – V. Zatsepin , V. Zymbal; chapter 26 – R. Kapelyushnikov; chapter 27 – L. Karachurina; chapter 28 – M. Malkova, L. Ovcharova; chapter 29 – T. Klyachko; chapter 30 – I. Dezhina; chapter 31 – S. Shishkin; chapter 32 – V. Nazarov; chapter 33 – S. Sivaev; chapter 34 – S. Zuev; chapter 35 – I. Starodubrovskaya.

The book commended to the readers is the continuation of two works published in 1998 and 2003 under the common heading “Economy in Transition”. The main trends in the economic development of Russia in 2000-2007 are considered in the book. The detailed analysis of the macroeconomic, branch-wise and institutional aspects of the economic reforms carried out in the country is presented. The main factors contributing to the steady economic growth over the period under consideration as well as the key unsolved problems of the reforms that will restrict further development and limit the possibilities to overcome the aftermath of the spread financial crisis are highlighted.

The book is designed for specialists in the field of economic policy, for teachers, PhD students and students of economic higher education institutions.